More aggressive recalc of standing penalties
In the staff client, the Refresh button in the patron display will explicitly
ask the server to recalculate standing penalties for the patron. Other automatic
refresh-like behavior meant to synchronize parts of the patron display will not
do this.
This change tweaks the logic to ask for a recalculation with all refresh-like
behavior in the patron display, and will catch such things as staff changing the
user's permisssion profile.
An example of how you might test this:
Admin -> Local Administration -> Group Penalty Thresholds
New Penalty Threshold
Group: Volunteers
Org Unit: CONS
Threshold: 1
Register user with Profile of Patrons
Load patron, Bills, Bill Patron, Amount: 5, Submit this Bill
Main (Profile) Permission Group: Volunteers, Save
The interface should refresh and show a Maximum Bills penalty in the patron
Signed-off-by: Jason Etheridge <>
Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <>