LP1917944-Hold Pickup Library sometimes Empty
Checks to make sure that the opac.default_pickup_location in usr_setting
has a value.
To test.
1. The patron must have a opac.default_pickup_location set to ""
2. Place a hold for this patron.
3. Notice that the pickup location is blank.
4. Apply the patch.
5. The hold pickup location should now be filled with the patron's home library.
To re-create this in concerto you may have to tweak the usr_setting table.
1. Assign a default pickup location to a patron.
2. Find the id field for the above in the usr_setting table.
select * from actor.usr_setting;
3. Update the setting.
update actor.usr_setting set value = '""' where id = <the id number>;
Signed-off-by: Garry Collum <gcollum@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Michele Morgan <mmorgan@noblenet.org>
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@equinoxOLI.org>