1048822 - Fuller Title for reporter.super_simple_record
The simplified pull list uses reporter.super_simple_record for
title information. reporter.super_simple_record currently only
pulls the first 245a value for the title. For titles that
use 245(n|p) to fully identify the title this leaves out information
that staff need to find the item.
This patch adds all of the 245(n|p) to the 245a in the title. I've found
this covers most cases where staff need a fuller title. The order of
the 245(n|p) also matters, so steps are taken to keep the marc ordering
of those fields.
Before Patch - find a title that uses a 245(n|p) field to fully identify the
title. Place a hold on the title. Use the simplified pull list to view the
location that has that item on the shelf. Observe that only the 245a is in
the title field.
After Patch - Look at the simplified pull list again and see that the title now
includes more information.
Signed-off-by: Josh Stompro <stomproj@larl.org>
Signed-off-by: Dan Pearl <dpearl@cwmars.org>
Signed-off-by: Kathy Lussier <klussier@masslnc.org>