Simple in-client "activity log" interface (Admin -> Local Administration -> Work Log), and an example of such logging in the Checkout interface.
The log function itself is part of util/error.js. Example:
JSAN.use('util.error'); var logger = new util.error();
"Staff member Foo circulated item Bar to patron Baz", // The log message
// Additional Row data to pass to a util.list construct in the work log interface, which can be used in rendering columns, and accessed by actions acting on the list
au_id : 1, // Id for patron Baz; needed if you want the Retrieve Patron action to work with this log entry
acp_barcode : 'Bar', // Barcode of the item; needed if you want the Retrieve Item action to work with this log entry
* Add logging statements to the Check In interface (complication there is that we don't have patron data, which would be useful) and Patron Registration
* Possibly add explicit columns for the type of action, the item involved, the patron involved, and the staff involved (to compliment Operator Change), rather than just Message and When.
* Add filtering support for action types
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