LP1837802: Add records to shared record buckets from the Staff Catalog
To test:
1) As User A, create a bucket.
2) As User B, search in the Staff Catalog, and add some items to your
3) As User B, click Basket Actions, and choose add Basket to Bucket
4) Click on the "Shared Bucket" tab and enter the id of User A's bucket
Some potential scenarios to test:
* Trying to add to a bucket that does not exist
* Trying to add to an unshared bucket when User B does not have the
* Trying to add to existing and new buckets as before
Signed-off-by: Jane Sandberg <sandbej@linnbenton.edu>
Signed-off-by: Terran McCanna <tmccanna@georgialibraries.org>
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@equinoxinitiative.org>