Update script patch from Joe Atzberger.
The purpose of this script is to consolidate a lot of the annoying and error-prone tasks associated with an upgrade for a developer, including make, make install, the xulrunner client built and autogen.
* Run as user "opensrf"
* opensrf needs sudo (again, targeting developers, not production) for apache stop/start, chown and make install
* Assumes opensrf has two SVN (or git-svn) repos: OpenILS and OpenSRF
* Both repos should be already configured (as in ./configure)
Detailed usage notes available via -h option. Both repo directories and the install directory can be specified on the command line. Try it with -t (test mode) to see feedback without making any changes.
TODO. Add option to use brick_ctl.sh instead of osrf_ctl.sh for service start/stop
git-svn-id: svn://svn.open-ils.org/ILS/trunk@15015