lp1857911 angularized stat cat admin interfaces
* for stat cats and stat cat entries in the IDL, make sure we have pcrud controller enabled and pcrud permissions set. Also set config_field for "entries" so that the AdminPage component can link them out to their own admin pages
* item and patron stat cat admin pages
* lp1857911 release notes
Leverages the BasicAdminPage component, with some tweaks.
Changes to the BasicAdminPage and AdminPage components all default to off, so should not affect existing interfaces:
* add an option to hide the Clear Filters action from subordinate admin pages (when you follow config fields)
* add an option to propagate recordLabel to the fmEditor component, and also use said label within the admin page
* add an option to propagate orgDefaultAllowed to the fmEditor component
For the stat cat and entry admin pages specifically, we leverage these to:
* hide Clear Filters so that we don't let the user get into a situation where they try to create a new stat cat entry but have a blank and unsettable stat cat field (because we mark that field as read-only in the fmEditor)
* default the Owner field for new stat cats and entries to the workstation library
* use Item and Patron instead of Asset and Actor in various labels (at least until we're ready to make that change wholesale in the IDL)
Signed-off-by: Jason Etheridge <jason@EquinoxOLI.org>
Signed-off-by: Jane Sandberg <js7389@princeton.edu>