LP1980297 Booking:reservations page not formatted in bootstrap opac
Formats the page's title and table in a consistent manner with other
pages in the bootstrap opac's myopac pages. Also adds CSS so that
the correct labels are displayed on smallish screens.
To test.
1. Set ctx.show_reservations_tab in config.tt2 to true.
2. Create a couple of bookings for a patron and login to the opac as that
3. In the opac go to the reservations screen and notice the formatting.
Resize the screen to view the display on a small scale.
4. Apply the patch
5. Repeat 3 and now notice the page title and the table formatting. View
the table in a small screen.
6. Also view the reservations page as a patron with no bookings.
Signed-off-by: Garry Collum <gcollum@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Jennifer Pringle <jennifer.pringle@bc.libraries.coop>
Signed-off-by: Jane Sandberg <sandbergja@gmail.com>