LP1659928 SIP is not respecting standing penalties for charge ok and hold ok
This will include the block_list data in the blessed user object. This allows
charge_ok, renew_ok and hold_ok to determine if any of the respective blocks are
present in any of the applied penalties.
To test
[1] Using a SIP emulator, issue a 63 message to fetch information
about a patron that has nothing preventing it from doing loans,
renewals, or hold requests, e.g.,
6300020060329 201700Y AOevergreen|
[2] Verify that the first six positions of the response are
'64 Y '
[3] Apply a standing penalty that blocks circulation and repeat
step 1. This time, the response should start with '64Y Y '
[4] Apply other standing penalties that block holds or renewals
and repeate step 1, verifying that the various privileges
denied positions in the 64 response have expected values.
[5] Archive all of the penalties used during testing, then
verify that the response returns to '64 Y ...'
Signed-off-by: blake <blake@mobiusconsortium.org>
Signed-off-by: Dan Pearl <dpearl@cwmars.org>
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@equinoxinitiative.org>