Move maintenance page to lvs install apache2 ssl and copy keys to lvs, change fallback to gate.
Remove shared IP from internal DNS and set resolvconf on lvs server to localhost.
Fixed sed password ampersand bug.
Sip init scripts don't work for stopping - Fixed.
Sip servers dont have their default crontabs. - Fixed.
Terminate(reset) color prompt on brick heads. - Fixed.
Reports nfs share on db01 and it didn't have nfs-kernel-server installed - Fixed.
Add deb for version of ldirector that does not veryify ssl due to bugs in libs used by ldirector.
Add syndetics support
Add UMS support.
Update logging config.
Update to Evergreen 2.3.5
update to OpenSRF 2.1.2
Add nrpe-server to all hosts.
Update support for hostname prefix support.
Add support to display sip connections on sip servers.