LP1312824 open-ils.circ.hold.change_title fix
Add a capture_time => undef limit to both change_title
APIs to prevent currently captured holds from being reset
when moving holds from one title to another.
More work is needed to prevent items currently in transit
from having their transits canceled.
Test plan
1. Create a bib with multiple holdings
2. Add multiple holds to this title and capture one of them - Item
will have a status of On Holds Shelf
3. Open another bib record, open Actions for this Record menu,
Mark as Hold Transfer Destination
4. Return to the record that has a captured hold, open Actions for
this Record, Transfer all Title Holds
5. Check Captured hold, Item status is Available, hold has been reset
and now points to the new bib record.
With the patch applied, steps 2-5 above should be repeated, but this
time in step 5 the hold will still be on the original record and the
item's status will still be On Holds Shelf.
Signed-off-by: Jason Boyer <JBoyer1@library.in.gov>
Signed-off-by: Kathy Lussier <klussier@masslnc.org>
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@equinoxinitiative.org>