1949910: serialize deleting items from item bucket
This patch serializes the fetching and fleshing of items to delete
when the delete-from-item-bucket action is invoked, thereby
avoiding possible drone starvation from open-ils.search. It
also throws up the progress dialog for good measure while
the deletion occurs.
To test
[1] Set up an item bucket with 25-50 items.
[2] From the item bucket intervace, invoke the action to delete
all of the items.
[3] Note that the open-ils.search.asset.copy.fleshed2.retrieve calls,
one for each item, are all made simultaneously. Assuming stock
max_children settings, this will cause open-ils.search to log
that some requests are hitting the backlog.
[4] Apply the patch and refresh the item bucket page, then repeat
step 2 (it doesn't matter for this purpose that the items have
already been deleted). This time, the open-ils.search API calls
are made serially and a progress bar is displayed while the
deletion takes place. Verify that no requests hit the backlog.
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@equinoxOLI.org>
Signed-off-by: Jeff Davis <jdavis@sitka.bclibraries.ca>
Signed-off-by: Jane Sandberg <sandbergja@gmail.com>