LP1849370 Mark items as damaged - changing fee usability issues
The prop that conditionally renders the fee interface is bound to the fee input
so it removes itself from the DOM when cleared. The patch uses a separate prop.
The fee input's by the edge so you may mistakenly close the modal if you try to
click & drag to highlight the fee. The patch sets the prop backdrop to static.
A $0 item price will cause the modal to keep reloading on submit. If you set a
$0 fee manually without clicking No Charge it charges the full item price. The
patch sets the apply_fines param for the Perl API dynamically on submission.
To test:
1. Make sure the OU setting "Charge item price when marked damaged" is true
2. Check out an item with a price to a user
3. Mark it damaged (from Item Status or Checkin screen)
4. Note if you clear the fee input it removes itself, if you drag the mouse off
the modal & release it closes, & if you charge $0 without using "No Charge" it
charges the user the full item price
5. Apply patch and repeat steps 1-3
6. Note the input stays when cleared, the modal doesn't close if you release
the mouse on the backdrop, & charging $0 doesn't charge the user
Signed-off-by: Dan Briem <dbriem@wlsmail.org>
Signed-off-by: Terran McCanna <tmccanna@georgialibraries.org>
Signed-off-by: Chris Sharp <csharp@georgialibraries.org>