Sip Statcats - Actor/Asset Statcats via SIP2
Stat cats can now have a sip_field and sip_format.
sip_field is the field identifier code, sip_format is one of the following:
1 - Null/Empty, places stat cat value in as-is
2 - A plain string, placed in value as-is when stat cat has value
3 - A plain string with a %s, 1 and 2 combined, where the stat cat value replaces the %s
4 - A regular expression surrounded by | characters (ex, |([0-9]*) -|):
If the regular expression does not match the value, nothing
If the regular expression matches and has a capture group, the captured group
If the regular expression matches and does not have a capture group, the entire match
The | was used because it would otherwise be stripped from the final result anyway.
Signed-off-by: Thomas Berezansky <>
Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <>
14 files changed: