* move inline CSS in patron editor to a file
* hook for custom CSS file to override patron editor styling
So for example, you can create /openils/var/web/css/skin/default/register_custom.css and have it contain CSS like this:
TR[fmfield=ident_type] { display: none; } /* dangerous if the widget is required and doesn't have a default */
TR[fmfield=ident_value2] > TD { font-size: x-large; }
TR[fmfield=barred] { display: none; }
TR[fmfield=country] { display: none; } /* dangerous if the widget is required and doesn't have a default */
TR[fmfield=master_account] { display: none; }
TR[fmfield=alert_message] { display: none; }
git-svn-id: svn://svn.open-ils.org/ILS/trunk@17516