osrfsys log parser
Some tweaks probably needed to the regular expressions within based on the log format.
./trace_logs.pl [--follow-pid] [--follow-auth] [--follow-trace] [--include-errors] [--search="substring"] [logfile1] [logfile2] [...]
or ./trace_logs.pl [-p] [-a] [-t] [-e] [-s "substring"] [logfile1] [logfile2] [...]
This script searches the specified (or piped) logfiles and spits out lines containing the "substring".
It optionally parses the logfiles and prints out related lines based on PID, threadtrace, and authtoken
values that it encounters in the matching lines. --include-errors will pull in lines containing [ERR
Signed-off-by: Jason Etheridge <jason@esilibrary.com>