* I18N for print admin interface
* custom/external print strategy (where you dictate an external command and feed it %receipt.txt% and/or %receipt.html%)
* DOS LPT1 Print strategy preserved as a legacy option, but without serving double-duty with the external linux commands
* label printing now honors plain text print strategies, but we're still stuck with system defaults for print dialogs
* @hex attribute for generating control characters when using HTML in templates being rendered with plain text print strategies
For example, <p hex="0C">Hello World</p> will transform into form feed + Hello World if used with DOS LPT1 Print or with the
%receipt.txt% macro for the Custom/External Print strategy. <p>Hello World</p hex="0C"> will yield Hello World + form feed.
git-svn-id: svn://svn.open-ils.org/ILS/trunk@16461