# retrieves a lineitem, fleshes its PO and PL, checks perms
+# returns ($li, $evt, $org)
sub fetch_and_check_li {
my $e = shift;
my $li_id = shift;
{ flesh => 1,
flesh_fields => {jub => ['purchase_order', 'picklist']}
- ]) or return $e->die_event;
+ ]) or return (undef, $e->die_event);
+ my $org;
if(my $po = $li->purchase_order) {
+ $org = $po->ordering_agency;
my $perms = ($perm_mode eq 'read') ? 'VIEW_PURCHASE_ORDER' : 'CREATE_PURCHASE_ORDER';
- return ($li, $e->die_event) unless $e->allowed($perms, $po->ordering_agency);
+ return ($li, $e->die_event) unless $e->allowed($perms, $org);
} elsif(my $pl = $li->picklist) {
+ $org = $pl->org_unit;
my $perms = ($perm_mode eq 'read') ? 'VIEW_PICKLIST' : 'CREATE_PICKLIST';
- return ($li, $e->die_event) unless $e->allowed($perms, $pl->org_unit);
+ return ($li, $e->die_event) unless $e->allowed($perms, $org);
- return ($li);
+ return ($li, undef, $org);
return undef;
+ method => 'set_li_order_ident',
+ api_name => 'open-ils.acq.lineitem.order_identifier.set',
+ signature => {
+ desc => q/
+ Given an existing lineitem_attr (typically a marc_attr), this will
+ create a matching local_attr to store the name and value and mark
+ the attr as the order_ident. Any existing local_attr marked as
+ order_ident is removed.
+ /,
+ params => [
+ {desc => 'Authentication token', type => 'string'},
+ {desc => q/Args object:
+ source_attr_id : ID of the existing lineitem_attr to use as
+ order ident.
+ lineitem_id : lineitem id
+ attr_name : name ('isbn', etc.) of a new marc_attr to add to
+ the lineitem to use for the order ident
+ attr_value : value for the new marc_attr
+ no_apply_bre : if set, newly added attrs will not be applied
+ to the lineitems' linked bib record/,
+ type => 'object'}
+ ],
+ return => {desc => q/Returns the attribute
+ responsible for tracking the order identifier/}
+ }
+sub set_li_order_ident {
+ my ($self, $conn, $auth, $args) = @_;
+ $args ||= {};
+ my $source_attr;
+ my $source_attr_id = $args->{source_attr_id};
+ my $e = new_editor(authtoken => $auth, xact => 1);
+ return $e->die_event unless $e->checkauth;
+ # fetch attr, LI, and check update permissions
+ my $li_id = $args->{lineitem_id};
+ if ($source_attr_id) {
+ $source_attr = $e->retrieve_acq_lineitem_attr($source_attr_id)
+ or return $e->die_event;
+ $li_id = $source_attr->lineitem;
+ }
+ my ($li, $evt, $perm_org) = fetch_and_check_li($e, $li_id, 'write');
+ return $evt if $evt;
+ return $e->die_event unless
+ $e->allowed('ACQ_SET_LINEITEM_IDENTIFIER', $perm_org);
+ # if needed, create a new marc attr for
+ # the lineitem to represent the ident value
+ ($source_attr, $evt) = apply_new_li_ident_attr(
+ $e, $li, $perm_org, $args->{attr_name}, $args->{attr_value})
+ unless $source_attr;
+ return $evt if $evt;
+ # remove the existing order_ident attribute if present
+ my $old_attr = $e->search_acq_lineitem_attr({
+ attr_type => 'lineitem_local_attr_definition',
+ lineitem => $li->id,
+ order_ident => 't'
+ })->[0];
+ if ($old_attr) {
+ # if we already have an order_ident that matches the
+ # source attr, there's nothing left to do.
+ if ($old_attr->attr_name eq $source_attr->attr_name and
+ $old_attr->attr_value eq $source_attr->attr_value) {
+ $e->rollback;
+ return $old_attr;
+ } else {
+ # remove the old order_ident attribute
+ $e->delete_acq_lineitem_attr($old_attr) or return $e->die_event;
+ }
+ }
+ # make sure we have a local_attr_def to match the source attr def
+ my $local_def = $e->search_acq_lineitem_local_attr_definition({
+ code => $source_attr->attr_name
+ })->[0];
+ if (!$local_def) {
+ my $source_def =
+ $e->retrieve_acq_lineitem_attr_definition($source_attr->definition);
+ $local_def = Fieldmapper::acq::lineitem_local_attr_definition->new;
+ $local_def->code($source_def->code);
+ $local_def->description($source_def->description);
+ $local_def = $e->create_acq_lineitem_local_attr_definition($local_def)
+ or return $e->die_event;
+ }
+ # create the new order_ident local attr
+ my $new_attr = Fieldmapper::acq::lineitem_attr->new;
+ $new_attr->definition($local_def->id);
+ $new_attr->attr_type('lineitem_local_attr_definition');
+ $new_attr->lineitem($li->id);
+ $new_attr->attr_name($source_attr->attr_name);
+ $new_attr->attr_value($source_attr->attr_value);
+ $new_attr->order_ident('t');
+ $new_attr = $e->create_acq_lineitem_attr($new_attr)
+ or return $e->die_event;
+ $e->commit;
+ return $new_attr;
+# Given an isbn, issn, or upc, add the value to the lineitem marc.
+# Upon update, the value will be auto-magically represented as
+# a lineitem marc attr.
+# If the li is linked to a bib record and the user has the correct
+# permissions, update the bib record to match.
+sub apply_new_li_ident_attr {
+ my ($e, $li, $perm_org, $attr_name, $attr_value) = @_;
+ my %tags = (
+ isbn => '020',
+ issn => '022',
+ upc => '024'
+ );
+ my $marc_field = MARC::Field->new(
+ $tags{$attr_name}, '', '','a' => $attr_value);
+ my $li_rec = MARC::Record->new_from_xml($li->marc, 'UTF-8', 'USMARC');
+ $li_rec->insert_fields_ordered($marc_field);
+ $li->marc(clean_marc($li_rec));
+ $li->editor($e->requestor->id);
+ $li->edit_time('now');
+ $e->update_acq_lineitem($li) or return (undef, $e->die_event);
+ my $source_attr = $e->search_acq_lineitem_attr({
+ attr_name => $attr_name,
+ attr_value => $attr_value,
+ attr_type => 'lineitem_marc_attr_definition'
+ })->[0];
+ if (!$source_attr) {
+ $logger->error("ACQ lineitem update failed to produce a matching ".
+ " marc attribute for $attr_name => $attr_value");
+ return (undef, OpenILS::Event->new('INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR'));
+ }
+ return ($source_attr) unless
+ $li->eg_bib_id and
+ $e->allowed('ACQ_ADD_LINEITEM_IDENTIFIER', $perm_org);
+ # li is linked to a bib record and user has the update perms
+ my $bre = $e->retrieve_biblio_record_entry($li->eg_bib_id);
+ my $bre_marc = MARC::Record->new_from_xml($bre->marc, 'UTF-8', 'USMARC');
+ $bre_marc->insert_fields_ordered($marc_field);
+ $bre->marc(clean_marc($bre_marc));
+ $bre->editor($e->requestor->id);
+ $bre->edit_date('now');
+ $e->update_biblio_record_entry($bre) or return (undef, $e->die_event);
+ return ($source_attr);