-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;use warnings;
-use OpenSRF::System qw(/openils/conf/bootstrap.conf);
-use OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient;
+use strict; use warnings;
+use OpenSRF::System;
use Time::HiRes qw/time/;
-use OpenSRF::EX qw/:try/;
-$| = 1;
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# This is a quick and dirty script to perform benchmarking against the math server.
-# Note: 1 request performs a batch of 4 queries, one for each supported method: add, sub,
-# mult, div.
-# Usage: $ perl math_bench.pl <num_requests>
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Test script which runs queries agains the opensrf.math service and reports on
+# the average round trip time of the requests.
+# how many batches of 4 requests do we send
my $count = $ARGV[0];
+print "usage: $0 <num_requests>\n" and exit unless $count;
-unless( $count ) {
- print "usage: ./math_bench.pl <num_requests>\n";
- exit;
-warn "PID: $$\n";
+# * connect to the Jabber network
+OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client( config_file => "/openils/conf/bootstrap.conf" );
+# * create a new application session for the opensrf.math service
my $session = OpenSRF::AppSession->create( "opensrf.math" );
-my @times;
+my @times; # "delta" times for each round trip
+# we're gonna call methods "add", "sub", "mult", and "div" with
+# params 1, 2. The hash below maps the method name to the
+# expected response value
my %vals = ( add => 3, sub => -1, mult => 2, div => 0.5 );
+# print the counter grid
for my $x (1..100) {
if( $x % 10 ) { print ".";}
else{ print $x/10; };
my $c = 0;
for my $scale ( 1..$count ) {
- for my $mname ( keys %vals ) {
- my $req;
- my $resp;
- my $starttime;
- try {
- $starttime = time();
- if( ! ($session->connect()) ) { die "Connect timed out\n"; }
- $req = $session->request( $mname, 1, 2 );
- $resp = $req->recv( timeout => 10 );
- push @times, time() - $starttime;
+ for my $mname ( keys %vals ) { # cycle through add, sub, mult, and div
- } catch OpenSRF::EX with {
- my $e = shift;
- die "ERROR\n $e";
+ my $starttime = time();
- } catch Error with {
- my $e = shift;
- die "Caught unknown error: $e";
- };
+ # * Fires the request and gathers the response object, which in this case
+ # is just a string
+ my $resp = $session->request( $mname, 1, 2 )->gather(1);
+ push @times, time() - $starttime;
- if( ! $req->complete ) { warn "\nIncomplete\n"; }
+ if( "$resp" eq $vals{$mname} ) {
+ # we got the response we expected
+ print "+";
- if( UNIVERSAL::isa( $resp, "OpenSRF::EX" ) ) {
- print "-" x 50 . "\nReceived Error " . $resp . "\n" . "-" x 50 . "\n";
+ } elsif($resp) {
+ # we got some other response
+ print "\n* BAD Data: $resp\n";
- } elsif( $resp ) {
+ } else {
+ # we got no data
+ print "Received nothing\n";
+ }
- my $ret = $resp->content();
- if( "$ret" eq $vals{$mname} ) { print "+"; }
- else { print "*BAD*\n" . $resp->toString(1) . "\n"; }
- } else { print "*NADA*"; }
- $req->finish();
-# $session->disconnect();
- print "\n[$c] \n" unless $scale % 25;
+ print " [$c] \n" unless $scale % 25;
my $total = 0;
print "\n\n\tAverage Round Trip Time: $total Seconds\n";