(4, 'title', 'alternative', oils_i18n_gettext(4, 'Alternate Title', 'cmf', 'label'), 'mods32', $$//mods32:mods/mods32:titleInfo[mods32:title and starts-with(@type,'alternative')]$$, '//@xlink:href', $$*[local-name() != "nonSort"]$$ );
INSERT INTO config.metabib_field ( id, field_class, name, label, format, xpath, authority_xpath, browse_sort_xpath ) VALUES
(5, 'title', 'uniform', oils_i18n_gettext(5, 'Uniform Title', 'cmf', 'label'), 'mods32', $$//mods32:mods/mods32:titleInfo[mods32:title and (@type='uniform-nfi')]$$, '//@xlink:href', $$*[local-name() != "nonSort"]$$ );
-INSERT INTO config.metabib_field ( id, field_class, name, label, format, xpath, authority_xpath, browse_field, browse_sort_xpath ) VALUES
- (6, 'title', 'proper', oils_i18n_gettext(6, 'Title Proper', 'cmf', 'label'), 'mods32', $$//mods32:mods/mods32:titleNonfiling[mods32:title and not (@type)]$$, '//@xlink:href', TRUE, $$*[local-name() != "nonSort"]$$ );
+INSERT INTO config.metabib_field ( id, field_class, name, label, format, xpath, authority_xpath, browse_field ) VALUES
+ (6, 'title', 'proper', oils_i18n_gettext(6, 'Title Proper', 'cmf', 'label'), 'mods32', $$//mods32:mods/mods32:titleNonfiling[mods32:title and not (@type)]$$, '//@xlink:href', FALSE );
INSERT INTO config.metabib_field ( id, field_class, name, label, format, xpath, facet_xpath, facet_field , authority_xpath, browse_xpath) VALUES
(7, 'author', 'corporate', oils_i18n_gettext(7, 'Corporate Author', 'cmf', 'label'), 'mods32', $$//mods32:mods/mods32:name[@type='corporate' and (mods32:role/mods32:roleTerm[text()='creator'] or mods32:role/mods32:roleTerm[text()='aut'] or mods32:role/mods32:roleTerm[text()='cre'])]$$, $$//*[local-name()='namePart']$$, TRUE, '//@xlink:href',$$//*[local-name()='namePart']$$ ); -- /* to fool vim */;
(29, 'identifier', 'scn', oils_i18n_gettext(29, 'System Control Number', 'cmf', 'label'), 'marcxml', $$//marc:datafield[@tag='035']/marc:subfield[@code="a"]$$, FALSE);
INSERT INTO config.metabib_field ( id, field_class, name, label, format, xpath, browse_field) VALUES
(30, 'identifier', 'lccn', oils_i18n_gettext(30, 'LC Control Number', 'cmf', 'label'), 'marcxml', $$//marc:datafield[@tag='010']/marc:subfield[@code="a" or @code='z']$$, FALSE);
+INSERT INTO config.metabib_field ( id, field_class, name, label, format, xpath, search_field, authority_xpath, browse_field, browse_sort_xpath ) VALUES
+ (31, 'title', 'browse', oils_i18n_gettext(31, 'Title Proper (Browse)', 'cmf', 'label'), 'mods32', $$//mods32:mods/mods32:titleBrowse$$, FALSE, '//@xlink:href', TRUE, $$*[local-name() != "nonSort"]$$ );
UPDATE config.metabib_field SET joiner = ' -- ' WHERE field_class = 'subject' AND name NOT IN ('name', 'complete');