use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor q/:funcs/;
use OpenILS::Utils::Fieldmapper;
use OpenILS::Utils::MFHD;
+use DateTime::Format::ISO8601;
use MARC::File::XML (BinaryEncoding => 'utf8');
my $U = 'OpenILS::Application::AppUtils';
my @MFHD_NAMES = ('basic','supplement','index');
foreach my $scap (@$scaps) {
my $caption_field = _revive_caption($scap);
$caption_field->update('8' => $link_id);
+ my $using_fake_chron = 0;
+ # if we have no chronology, add one for prediction puposes
+ if (!$caption_field->subfield('i') and !$caption_field->enumeration_is_chronology) {
+ $using_fake_chron = 1;
+ }
my $options = {
'caption' => $caption_field,
if ($args->{base_issuance}) { # predict from a given issuance
$options->{predict_from} = _revive_holding($args->{base_issuance}->holding_code, $caption_field, 1); # fresh MFHD Record, so we simply default to 1 for seqno
+ $options->{faked_chron_date} = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->new->parse_datetime(cleanse_ISO8601($args->{base_issuance}->date_published)) if $using_fake_chron;
} else { # default to predicting from last published
my $last_published = $editor->search_serial_issuance([
{'caption_and_pattern' => $scap->id,
$options->{predict_from} = _revive_holding($last_siss->holding_code, $caption_field, 1);
+ $options->{faked_chron_date} = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->new->parse_datetime(cleanse_ISO8601($last_siss->date_published)) if $using_fake_chron;
} else {
# XXX TODO make a new event type instead of hijacking this one
# num_to_predict : the number of issues you wish to predict
# last_rec_date : the date of the last received issue, to be used as an offset
# for predicting future issues
+# faked_chron_date : if the serial does not actually have a chronology caption (but we need one for prediction's sake), base predictions on this date
# The basic method is to first convert to a single holding if compressed, then
# increment the holding and save the resulting values to @issuances.
my $num_to_predict = $options->{num_to_predict};
my $end_date = $options->{end_date};
my $predict_from = $options->{predict_from}; # issuance to predict from
+ my $faked_chron_date = $options->{faked_chron_date}; # serial does not have a chronology caption, so add one (temporarily) based on this date
#my $last_rec_date = $options->{last_rec_date}; # expected or actual
- # TODO: add support for predicting serials with no chronology by passing in
- # a last_pub_date option?
# Only needed for 'real' MFHD records, not our temp records
# my $link_id = $caption->link_id;
# add a note marker for system use (?)
$predict_from->notes('private', ['AUTOGEN']);
+ # our basic method for dealing with 'faked' chronologies will be to add it in, do the predicting, then take it back out
+ my $orig_caption;
+ my $faked_caption;
+ if ($faked_chron_date) {
+ $orig_caption = $predict_from->caption;
+ # because of the way MFHD::Caption and Holding work, it is simplest
+ # to recreate rather than try to update
+ $faked_caption = new MFHD::Caption(new MARC::Field($orig_caption->tag, $orig_caption->indicator(1), $orig_caption->indicator(2), $orig_caption->subfields_list, 'i' => '(year)', 'j' => '(month)', 'k' => '(day)'));
+ $predict_from = new MFHD::Holding($predict_from->seqno, new MARC::Field($predict_from->tag, $predict_from->indicator(1), $predict_from->indicator(2), $predict_from->subfields_list, 'i' => $faked_chron_date->year, 'j' => $faked_chron_date->month, 'k' => $faked_chron_date->day), $faked_caption);
+ }
+ my @predictions = $mfhd->generate_predictions({'base_holding' => $predict_from, 'num_to_predict' => $num_to_predict, 'end_date' => $end_date});
my $pub_date;
my @issuance_values;
- my @predictions = $mfhd->generate_predictions({'base_holding' => $predict_from, 'num_to_predict' => $num_to_predict, 'end_date' => $end_date});
foreach my $prediction (@predictions) {
$pub_date = $_strp_date->parse_datetime($prediction->chron_to_date);
+ if ($faked_chron_date) { # get rid of the chronology portions and restore original caption
+ $prediction->delete_subfield(code => ['i', 'j', 'k']);
+ $prediction = new MFHD::Holding($prediction->seqno, new MARC::Field($prediction->tag, $prediction->indicator(1), $prediction->indicator(2), $prediction->subfields_list), $orig_caption);
+ }