--- /dev/null
+# patron_status: test Patron Status Response
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Clone qw(clone);
+use Sip::Constants qw(:all);
+use SIPtest qw($datepat $textpat);
+my $patron_status_test_template = {
+ id => 'Patron Status: valid patron, no patron password',
+ msg => '2300120060101 084237AOUWOLS|AAdjfiander|ACterminal password|',
+ pat => qr/^24 [ Y]{13}001$datepat/,
+ fields => [
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_INST_ID)},
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_SCREEN_MSG)},
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_PRINT_LINE)},
+ { field => FID_PATRON_ID,
+ pat => qr/^djfiander$/,
+ required => 1, },
+ { field => FID_PERSONAL_NAME,
+ pat => qr/^David J\. Fiander$/,
+ required => 1, },
+ { field => FID_VALID_PATRON,
+ pat => qr/^Y$/,
+ # Not required by the spec, but by the test
+ required => 1, },
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_CURRENCY)},
+ { field => FID_FEE_AMT,
+ pat => $textpat,
+ required => 0, },
+ ], };
+my @tests = (
+ $SIPtest::login_test,
+ $SIPtest::sc_status_test,
+ clone($patron_status_test_template),
+ );
+# Invalid patron
+my $test = clone($patron_status_test_template);
+$test->{id} = 'Patron Status invalid id';
+$test->{msg} =~ s/AAdjfiander\|/AAberick|/;
+# The test assumes that the language sent by the terminal is
+# just echoed back for invalid patrons.
+$test->{pat} = qr/^24Y[ Y]{13}001$datepat/;
+delete $test->{fields};
+$test->{fields} = [
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_INST_ID)},
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_SCREEN_MSG)},
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_PRINT_LINE)},
+ { field => FID_PATRON_ID,
+ pat => qr/^berick$/,
+ required => 1, },
+ { field => FID_PERSONAL_NAME,
+ pat => qr/^$/,
+ required => 1, },
+ { field => FID_VALID_PATRON,
+ pat => qr/^N$/,
+ required => 1, },
+ ];
+push @tests, $test;
+# Valid patron, invalid patron password
+$test = clone($patron_status_test_template);
+$test->{id} = 'Patron Status: Valid patron, invalid patron password';
+$test->{msg} .= (FID_PATRON_PWD) . 'badpwd|';
+$test->{pat} = qr/^24[ Y]{14}001$datepat/;
+delete $test->{fields};
+$test->{fields} = [
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_INST_ID)},
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_SCREEN_MSG)},
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_PRINT_LINE)},
+ { field => FID_PATRON_ID,
+ pat => qr/^djfiander$/,
+ required => 1, },
+ { field => FID_PERSONAL_NAME,
+ pat => qr/^David J\. Fiander$/,
+ required => 1, },
+ { field => FID_VALID_PATRON,
+ pat => qr/^Y$/,
+ required => 1, },
+ { field => FID_VALID_PATRON_PWD,
+ pat => qr/^N$/,
+ required => 1, },
+ ];
+push @tests, $test;
+# TODO: Need multiple patrons to test each individual
+# status field
--- /dev/null
+# block_patron: test Block Patron Response
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Clone qw(clone);
+use Sip::Constants qw(:all);
+use SIPtest qw($datepat $textpat);
+my $block_patron_test_template = {
+ id => 'Block Patron: valid patron, card not retained',
+ msg => "01N20060102 084238AOUWOLS|ALHe's a jerk|AAdjfiander|ACterminal password|",
+ # response to block patron is a patron status message
+ pat => qr/^24Y[ Y]{13}000$datepat/,
+ fields => [
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_INST_ID)},
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_SCREEN_MSG)},
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_PRINT_LINE)},
+ { field => FID_PATRON_ID,
+ pat => qr/^djfiander$/,
+ required => 1, },
+ { field => FID_PERSONAL_NAME,
+ pat => qr/^David J\. Fiander$/,
+ required => 1, },
+ { field => FID_VALID_PATRON,
+ pat => qr/^Y$/,
+ # Not required by the spec, but by the test
+ required => 1, },
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_CURRENCY)},
+ { field => FID_FEE_AMT,
+ pat => $textpat,
+ required => 0, },
+ ], };
+my @tests = (
+ $SIPtest::login_test,
+ $SIPtest::sc_status_test,
+ clone($block_patron_test_template),
+ );
--- /dev/null
+# patron_enable: test Patron Enable Response
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Clone qw(clone);
+use Sip::Constants qw(:all);
+use SIPtest qw($datepat $textpat);
+my $patron_enable_test_template = {
+ id => 'Patron Enable: valid patron',
+ msg => "2520060102 084238AOUWOLS|AAdjfiander|",
+ pat => qr/^26 [ Y]{13}000$datepat/,
+ fields => [
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_INST_ID)},
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_SCREEN_MSG)},
+ $SIPtest::field_specs{(FID_PRINT_LINE)},
+ { field => FID_PATRON_ID,
+ pat => qr/^djfiander$/,
+ required => 1, },
+ { field => FID_PERSONAL_NAME,
+ pat => qr/^David J\. Fiander$/,
+ required => 1, },
+ { field => FID_VALID_PATRON,
+ pat => qr/^Y$/,
+ # Not required by the spec, but by the test
+ required => 1, },
+ ], };
+my @tests = (
+ $SIPtest::login_test,
+ $SIPtest::sc_status_test,
+ clone($patron_enable_test_template),
+ );