-= Hatch Developer Install Documentation =
+= Hatch Install Documentation =
-NOTE: This document describes steps for manually installing Hatch. Windows
-end-users should install Hatch via the Hatch Windows installer application.
+This documentation assumes Windows users will use the Hatch Windows
+installer. The Linux-only steps can also be done on Windows, but
+are not documented here.
-== Build and Test Hatch Java Libs ==
+== Install Java ==
=== Windows ===
-1. Go to
-accept the license, download the Windows installer.
-2. Run the windows installer to install the JDK.
+Windows only requires a JRE to run Hatch, not a full JDK. Download and
+install JRE version 1.8 or higher from (for example)
=== Linux ===
-==== Install OpenJDK 8 and OpenJFX ====
# Debian/Ubuntu version
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk openjfx
-==== Alternate: Install Oracle JDK 8 ====
-1. Go to
-accept the license, download the Linux .tar.gz file.
-2. Extract the file in the Hatch root directory and link it into place.
-$ tar -zxf jdk*tar.gz
-$ ln -s jdk1.8* jdk1.8
-3. Update the JAVA_HOME environment variable in hatch.sh to point
- to the local Java extract:
-==== Download org.json Java JSON Library ====
-===== Linux =====
-The org.json jar file is retrieved automatically when running
-'hatch.sh compile' (below).
-===== Windows =====
-1. Create a directory called "lib" inside the Hatch directory.
-2. Download the JSON jar file and put it into the "lib" directory:
+== Install Hatch ==
-==== Compile Hatch Java ====
+=== Windows ===
-===== Windows =====
+Execute the 'Hatch Installer.exe' executable.
-C:\> hatch.bat compile
+NOTE: See installer/windows/README.adoc for building the Windows
+installer from Linux or Windows. When building the Windows installer
+on Windows, the full JDK will be required (for compiling Java).
-===== Linux =====
+=== Linux ===
$ ./hatch.sh compile
-==== Test Hatch Java ====
-Assuming the Java code compiles OK, this will run a series of tests.
+==== Optional: Test Hatch ====
NOTE: print commands are disabled by default in the tests to avoid
unexpected printing, but they can be added by un-commenting
them in src/org/evergreen_ils/hatch/TestHatch.java and recompiling.
-===== Windows =====
-* Start with creating the default logging/Hatch data directory.
-* Then run the test code.
-C:\> mkdir %userprofile%\.evergreen
-C:\> hatch.bat test
-===== Linux =====
-* Start with creating the default logging/Hatch data directory.
-* Then run the test code.
-$ mkdir ~/.evergreen
+$ mkdir -p ~/.evergreen
$ ./hatch.sh test
-== Configure Chrome for Native Messaging with Hatch ==
-=== Setup Chrome Extension ===
-NOTE: At time of writing, the Evergreen server used must have the
-patches included in the http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working/Evergreen.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/user/berick/lp1646166-hatch-2.12-omnibus[Hatch 2.12 Omnibus Branch].
-==== Install Chrome Extension ====
+== Install Chrome Extension [Windows & Linux] ==
-. Open Chrome and navigate to chrome://extensions
+. Open Chrome/Chromium and navigate to chrome://extensions
. Enable "Developer Mode" along the top right of the page.
. Click the "Load Unpacked Extension..." button.
-. Load the directory at Hatch/extension/app
+. Load the directory at Hatch => extension => app
+.. In Windows, the default location for the app directory will be
+ C:\Program Files (x86)\Hatch\extension\app
-===== Debugging The Chrome Extension =====
+=== Optional: Debugging The Chrome Extension ===
* Click the "Background Page" link to see the exension console.
- * Use the "Reload" link to apply changes made to the extension
- (e.g. main.js).
* When the extension is loaded (or reloaded), it should show
"Connecting to native messaging host: org.evergreen_ils.hatch"
in the Background Page console with no errors.
+ * Use the "Reload" link to apply local changes made to the
+ extension (e.g. main.js).
* See also https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/getstarted
-=== Setup Chrome Native Messaging Host ===
-See also https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/nativeMessaging
-==== Windows ====
-Edit extension/host/org.evergreen_ils.hatch.WINDOWS.json and change the
-"path" value to match the location of your copy of "hatch.bat", found in the
-root directory of the Hatch repository.
-Create a Native Messaging registry key entry via the Windows command prompt.
-Modify the path value to point to your copy of
-C:\> REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Google\Chrome\NativeMessagingHosts\org.evergreen_ils.hatch" /ve /t REG_SZ /d "C:\path\to\extension\host\org.evergreen_ils.hatch.WINDOWS.json" /f
-==== Linux ====
+=== Linux: Configure Native Messaging ===
Edit extension/host/org.evergreen_ils.hatch.json and change the "path"
value to match the location of your copy of "hatch.sh", found in the root
== Using Hatch ==
+NOTE: At time of writing, the Evergreen server used must have the
+patches included in the
+http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working/Evergreen.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/user/berick/lp1646166-hatch-2.12-omnibus[Hatch 2.12 Omnibus Branch].
* In Chrome, navigate to the browser staff URL (https://HOSTNAME/eg/staff/).
* Chrome should display a browser action icon along the top right of the
browser window (just left of the settings menu) with a letter "H".
Hatch responded to message ID 1
-* See if Hatch is able to communicate with your printer... Navigate to
+* Enable Hatch features by navigating to
+ https://HOSTNAME/eg/staff/admin/workstation/hatch.
+* To determine if Hatch can see your printer(s), navigate to
-* The "Select Printer" drop-down should show your printer(s).
-* The various printer attribute selectors should show values supported
- by the selected printer.
+ ** The "Select Printer" drop-down should show your printer(s).
+ ** The various printer attribute selectors should show values supported
+ by the selected printer.