suppressLinkedFields : null, // list of fields whose linked display data should not be fetched from the server
urlNavigation : false,
- // When using urlNavigation, this is a stash where the
+ // When using urlNavigation, this is a stash where the
// caller can place arbitrary data to be passed around
// between pages.
urlUserData : {},
this.overrideEditWidgets = {};
this.overrideEditWidgetClass = {};
this.overrideWidgetArgs = {};
- this.extractUrlOps();
+ this.extractUrlOps();
this.nls = dojo.i18n.getLocalization('openils.widget', 'AutoFieldWidget');
self.cachedQueryOpts.offset = self.displayOffset += self.displayLimit;
if (self.urlNavigation) {
- self.cachedQueryOpts.offset,
+ self.cachedQueryOpts.offset,
} else {
{fmClass:self.fmClass, suppressFilterFields:self.suppressFilterFields})
self.filterDialog.onApply = function(filter) {
- if (self.urlNavigation) {
+ if (self.urlNavigation) {
self.applyAndExecuteUrlOps(0, filter);
} else {
this.urlOpsApplied = true;
// on the first page load, apply the ops from the URL
if (this.urlOps) {
- console.log('applying url ops: ' + js2JSON(this.urlOps));
opts.offset = self.displayOffset = this.urlOps.offset;
search = dojo.mixin(search || {}, this.urlOps.filter);