Also, here's a test plan:
[1] Edit /openils/conf/oils_sip.xml and set the currency
defined in the implementation section to be something
other than USD.
[2] Start the SIP server and perform a patron information
request; note that the BH field in the response contains
[3] Apply the patch and restart the SIP server.
[4] Repeat step 2; this time, the currency should be whatever
is specified in oils_sip.xml.
[5] Comment out the currency section in oils_sip.xml and restart
the SIP server.
[6] Repeat step 2; this time, the currency should be back to 'USD'.
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <>
$self->{editor},$self->{user}->id, $pwd);
-sub currency { # not really implemented
+sub currency {
my $self = shift;
syslog('LOG_DEBUG', 'OILS: Patron->currency()');
return OpenILS::SIP->config()->{implementation_config}->{currency} || 'USD';