dojo.forEach(patterns, function(pat) { _hilightNode(node, pat); });
+ openils.Util._legacyModulePaths = {};
+ /*****
+ * Take the URL of a JS file and magically turn it into something that
+ * dojo.require can load by registering a module path for it ... and load it.
+ *****/
+ openils.Util.requireLegacy = function(url) {
+ var bURL = url.replace(/\/[^\/]+$/,'');
+ var file = url.replace(/^.*\/([^\/]+)$/,'$1');
+ var libname = url.replace(/^.*?\/(.+)\/[^\/]+$/,'$1').replace(/[^a-z]/ig,'_');
+ var modname = libname + '.' + file.replace(/\.js$/,'');
+ if (!openils.Util._legacyModulePaths[libname]) {
+ dojo.registerModulePath(libname,bURL);
+ openils.Util._legacyModulePaths[libname] = {};
+ }
+ if (!openils.Util._legacyModulePaths[libname][modname]) {
+ dojo.require(modname, true);
+ openils.Util._legacyModulePaths[libname][modname] = true;
+ }
+ return openils.Util._legacyModulePaths[libname][modname];
+ };
* Takes a chunk of HTML, inserts it into a new window, prints the window,