-angular.module('egCatalogApp', ['ui.bootstrap','ngRoute','ngLocationUpdate','egCoreMod','egGridMod', 'egMarcMod', 'egUserMod'])
+angular.module('egCatalogApp', ['ui.bootstrap','ngRoute','ngLocationUpdate','egCoreMod','egGridMod', 'egMarcMod', 'egUserMod', 'egHoldingsMod'])
.config(function($routeProvider, $locationProvider, $compileProvider) {
- ['egCore','$q',
-function(egCore , $q) {
- var service = {
- ongoing : false,
- copies : [], // record search results
- index : 0, // search grid index
- org : null,
- rid : null
- };
- service.flesh = {
- flesh : 2,
- flesh_fields : {
- acp : ['status','location'],
- acn : ['prefix','suffix','copies']
- }
- }
- service.fetchAgain = function() {
- return service.fetch({
- rid: service.rid,
- org: service.org,
- copy: service.copy,
- vol: service.vol,
- empty: service.empty
- })
- }
- // resolved with the last received copy
- service.fetch = function(opts) {
- if (service.ongoing) {
- console.log('Skipping fetch, ongoing = true');
- return $q.when();
- }
- var rid = opts.rid;
- var org = opts.org;
- var copy = opts.copy;
- var vol = opts.vol;
- var empty = opts.empty;
- if (!rid) return $q.when();
- if (!org) return $q.when();
- service.ongoing = true;
- service.rid = rid;
- service.org = org;
- service.copy = opts.copy;
- service.vol = opts.vol;
- service.empty = opts.empty;
- service.copies = [];
- service.index = 0;
- var org_list = egCore.org.descendants(org.id(), true);
- console.log('Holdings fetch with: rid='+rid+' org='+org_list+' copy='+copy+' vol='+vol+' empty='+empty);
- return egCore.pcrud.search(
- 'acn',
- {record : rid, owning_lib : org_list, deleted : 'f'},
- service.flesh
- ).then(
- function() { // finished
- service.copies = service.copies.sort(
- function (a, b) {
- function compare_array (x, y, i) {
- if (x[i] && y[i]) { // both have values
- if (x[i] == y[i]) { // need to look deeper
- return compare_array(x, y, ++i);
- }
- if (x[i] < y[i]) { // x is first
- return -1;
- } else if (x[i] > y[i]) { // y is first
- return 1;
- }
- } else { // no orgs to compare ...
- if (x[i]) return -1;
- if (y[i]) return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- var owner_order = compare_array(a.owner_list, b.owner_list, 0);
- if (!owner_order) {
- // now compare on CN label
- if (a.call_number.label < b.call_number.label) return -1;
- if (a.call_number.label > b.call_number.label) return 1;
- // try copy number
- if (a.copy_number < b.copy_number) return -1;
- if (a.copy_number > b.copy_number) return 1;
- // finally, barcode
- if (a.barcode < b.barcode) return -1;
- if (a.barcode > b.barcode) return 1;
- }
- return owner_order;
- }
- );
- // create a label using just the unique part of the owner list
- var index = 0;
- var prev_owner_list;
- angular.forEach(service.copies, function (cp) {
- if (!prev_owner_list) {
- cp.owner_label = cp.owner_list.join(' ... ');
- } else {
- var current_owner_list = cp.owner_list.slice();
- while (current_owner_list[1] && prev_owner_list[1] && current_owner_list[0] == prev_owner_list[0]) {
- current_owner_list.shift();
- prev_owner_list.shift();
- }
- cp.owner_label = current_owner_list.join(' ... ');
- }
- cp.index = index++;
- prev_owner_list = cp.owner_list.slice();
- });
- var new_list = service.copies;
- if (!copy || !vol) { // collapse copy rows, supply a count instead
- index = 0;
- var cp_list = [];
- var prev_key;
- var current_blob = { copy_count : 0 };
- angular.forEach(new_list, function (cp) {
- if (!prev_key) {
- prev_key = cp.owner_list.join('') + cp.call_number.label;
- if (cp.barcode) current_blob.copy_count = 1;
- current_blob.index = index++;
- current_blob.id_list = cp.id_list;
- if (cp.raw) current_blob.raw = cp.raw;
- current_blob.call_number = cp.call_number;
- current_blob.owner_list = cp.owner_list;
- current_blob.owner_label = cp.owner_label;
- current_blob.owner_id = cp.owner_id;
- } else {
- var current_key = cp.owner_list.join('') + cp.call_number.label;
- if (prev_key == current_key) { // collapse into current_blob
- current_blob.copy_count++;
- current_blob.id_list = current_blob.id_list.concat(cp.id_list);
- current_blob.raw = current_blob.raw.concat(cp.raw);
- } else {
- current_blob.barcode = current_blob.copy_count;
- cp_list.push(current_blob);
- prev_key = current_key;
- current_blob = { copy_count : 0 };
- if (cp.barcode) current_blob.copy_count = 1;
- current_blob.index = index++;
- current_blob.id_list = cp.id_list;
- if (cp.raw) current_blob.raw = cp.raw;
- current_blob.owner_label = cp.owner_label;
- current_blob.owner_id = cp.owner_id;
- current_blob.call_number = cp.call_number;
- current_blob.owner_list = cp.owner_list;
- }
- }
- });
- current_blob.barcode = current_blob.copy_count;
- cp_list.push(current_blob);
- new_list = cp_list;
- if (!vol) { // do the same for vol rows
- index = 0;
- var cn_list = [];
- prev_key = '';
- current_blob = { copy_count : 0 };
- angular.forEach(cp_list, function (cp) {
- if (!prev_key) {
- prev_key = cp.owner_list.join('');
- current_blob.index = index++;
- current_blob.id_list = cp.id_list;
- if (cp.raw) current_blob.raw = cp.raw;
- current_blob.cn_count = 1;
- current_blob.copy_count = cp.copy_count;
- current_blob.owner_list = cp.owner_list;
- current_blob.owner_label = cp.owner_label;
- current_blob.owner_id = cp.owner_id;
- } else {
- var current_key = cp.owner_list.join('');
- if (prev_key == current_key) { // collapse into current_blob
- current_blob.cn_count++;
- current_blob.copy_count += cp.copy_count;
- current_blob.id_list = current_blob.id_list.concat(cp.id_list);
- if (cp.raw) current_blob.raw = current_blob.raw.concat(cp.raw);
- } else {
- current_blob.barcode = current_blob.copy_count;
- current_blob.call_number = { label : current_blob.cn_count };
- cn_list.push(current_blob);
- prev_key = current_key;
- current_blob = { copy_count : 0 };
- current_blob.index = index++;
- current_blob.id_list = cp.id_list;
- if (cp.raw) current_blob.raw = cp.raw;
- current_blob.owner_label = cp.owner_label;
- current_blob.owner_id = cp.owner_id;
- current_blob.cn_count = 1;
- current_blob.copy_count = cp.copy_count;
- current_blob.owner_list = cp.owner_list;
- }
- }
- });
- current_blob.barcode = current_blob.copy_count;
- current_blob.call_number = { label : current_blob.cn_count };
- cn_list.push(current_blob);
- new_list = cn_list;
- }
- }
- service.copies = new_list;
- service.ongoing = false;
- },
- null, // error
- // notify reads the stream of copies, one at a time.
- function(cn) {
- var copies = cn.copies().filter(function(cp){ return cp.deleted() == 'f' });
- cn.copies([]);
- angular.forEach(copies, function (cp) {
- cp.call_number(cn);
- });
- var owner_id = cn.owning_lib();
- var owner = egCore.org.get(owner_id);
- var owner_name_list = [];
- while (owner.parent_ou()) { // we're going to skip the top of the tree...
- owner_name_list.unshift(owner.name());
- owner = egCore.org.get(owner.parent_ou());
- }
- if (copies[0]) {
- var flat = [];
- angular.forEach(copies, function (cp) {
- var flat_cp = egCore.idl.toHash(cp);
- flat_cp.owner_id = owner_id;
- flat_cp.owner_list = owner_name_list;
- flat_cp.id_list = [flat_cp.id];
- flat_cp.raw = [cp];
- flat.push(flat_cp);
- });
- service.copies = service.copies.concat(flat);
- } else if (empty) {
- service.copies.push({
- owner_id : owner_id,
- owner_list : owner_name_list,
- call_number: egCore.idl.toHash(cn),
- raw_call_number: cn
- });
- }
- return cn;
- }
- );
- }
- return service;
function(egCore , $q) {
--- /dev/null
+angular.module('egHoldingsMod', ['egCoreMod'])
+ ['egCore','$q',
+function(egCore , $q) {
+ var service = {
+ ongoing : false,
+ copies : [], // record search results
+ index : 0, // search grid index
+ org : null,
+ rid : null
+ };
+ service.flesh = {
+ flesh : 2,
+ flesh_fields : {
+ acp : ['status','location'],
+ acn : ['prefix','suffix','copies']
+ }
+ }
+ service.fetchAgain = function() {
+ return service.fetch({
+ rid: service.rid,
+ org: service.org,
+ copy: service.copy,
+ vol: service.vol,
+ empty: service.empty
+ })
+ }
+ // resolved with the last received copy
+ service.fetch = function(opts) {
+ if (service.ongoing) {
+ console.log('Skipping fetch, ongoing = true');
+ return $q.when();
+ }
+ var rid = opts.rid;
+ var org = opts.org;
+ var copy = opts.copy;
+ var vol = opts.vol;
+ var empty = opts.empty;
+ if (!rid) return $q.when();
+ if (!org) return $q.when();
+ service.ongoing = true;
+ service.rid = rid;
+ service.org = org;
+ service.copy = opts.copy;
+ service.vol = opts.vol;
+ service.empty = opts.empty;
+ service.copies = [];
+ service.index = 0;
+ var org_list = egCore.org.descendants(org.id(), true);
+ console.log('Holdings fetch with: rid='+rid+' org='+org_list+' copy='+copy+' vol='+vol+' empty='+empty);
+ return egCore.pcrud.search(
+ 'acn',
+ {record : rid, owning_lib : org_list, deleted : 'f'},
+ service.flesh
+ ).then(
+ function() { // finished
+ service.copies = service.copies.sort(
+ function (a, b) {
+ function compare_array (x, y, i) {
+ if (x[i] && y[i]) { // both have values
+ if (x[i] == y[i]) { // need to look deeper
+ return compare_array(x, y, ++i);
+ }
+ if (x[i] < y[i]) { // x is first
+ return -1;
+ } else if (x[i] > y[i]) { // y is first
+ return 1;
+ }
+ } else { // no orgs to compare ...
+ if (x[i]) return -1;
+ if (y[i]) return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ var owner_order = compare_array(a.owner_list, b.owner_list, 0);
+ if (!owner_order) {
+ // now compare on CN label
+ if (a.call_number.label < b.call_number.label) return -1;
+ if (a.call_number.label > b.call_number.label) return 1;
+ // try copy number
+ if (a.copy_number < b.copy_number) return -1;
+ if (a.copy_number > b.copy_number) return 1;
+ // finally, barcode
+ if (a.barcode < b.barcode) return -1;
+ if (a.barcode > b.barcode) return 1;
+ }
+ return owner_order;
+ }
+ );
+ // create a label using just the unique part of the owner list
+ var index = 0;
+ var prev_owner_list;
+ angular.forEach(service.copies, function (cp) {
+ if (!prev_owner_list) {
+ cp.owner_label = cp.owner_list.join(' ... ');
+ } else {
+ var current_owner_list = cp.owner_list.slice();
+ while (current_owner_list[1] && prev_owner_list[1] && current_owner_list[0] == prev_owner_list[0]) {
+ current_owner_list.shift();
+ prev_owner_list.shift();
+ }
+ cp.owner_label = current_owner_list.join(' ... ');
+ }
+ cp.index = index++;
+ prev_owner_list = cp.owner_list.slice();
+ });
+ var new_list = service.copies;
+ if (!copy || !vol) { // collapse copy rows, supply a count instead
+ index = 0;
+ var cp_list = [];
+ var prev_key;
+ var current_blob = { copy_count : 0 };
+ angular.forEach(new_list, function (cp) {
+ if (!prev_key) {
+ prev_key = cp.owner_list.join('') + cp.call_number.label;
+ if (cp.barcode) current_blob.copy_count = 1;
+ current_blob.index = index++;
+ current_blob.id_list = cp.id_list;
+ if (cp.raw) current_blob.raw = cp.raw;
+ current_blob.call_number = cp.call_number;
+ current_blob.owner_list = cp.owner_list;
+ current_blob.owner_label = cp.owner_label;
+ current_blob.owner_id = cp.owner_id;
+ } else {
+ var current_key = cp.owner_list.join('') + cp.call_number.label;
+ if (prev_key == current_key) { // collapse into current_blob
+ current_blob.copy_count++;
+ current_blob.id_list = current_blob.id_list.concat(cp.id_list);
+ current_blob.raw = current_blob.raw.concat(cp.raw);
+ } else {
+ current_blob.barcode = current_blob.copy_count;
+ cp_list.push(current_blob);
+ prev_key = current_key;
+ current_blob = { copy_count : 0 };
+ if (cp.barcode) current_blob.copy_count = 1;
+ current_blob.index = index++;
+ current_blob.id_list = cp.id_list;
+ if (cp.raw) current_blob.raw = cp.raw;
+ current_blob.owner_label = cp.owner_label;
+ current_blob.owner_id = cp.owner_id;
+ current_blob.call_number = cp.call_number;
+ current_blob.owner_list = cp.owner_list;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ current_blob.barcode = current_blob.copy_count;
+ cp_list.push(current_blob);
+ new_list = cp_list;
+ if (!vol) { // do the same for vol rows
+ index = 0;
+ var cn_list = [];
+ prev_key = '';
+ current_blob = { copy_count : 0 };
+ angular.forEach(cp_list, function (cp) {
+ if (!prev_key) {
+ prev_key = cp.owner_list.join('');
+ current_blob.index = index++;
+ current_blob.id_list = cp.id_list;
+ if (cp.raw) current_blob.raw = cp.raw;
+ current_blob.cn_count = 1;
+ current_blob.copy_count = cp.copy_count;
+ current_blob.owner_list = cp.owner_list;
+ current_blob.owner_label = cp.owner_label;
+ current_blob.owner_id = cp.owner_id;
+ } else {
+ var current_key = cp.owner_list.join('');
+ if (prev_key == current_key) { // collapse into current_blob
+ current_blob.cn_count++;
+ current_blob.copy_count += cp.copy_count;
+ current_blob.id_list = current_blob.id_list.concat(cp.id_list);
+ if (cp.raw) current_blob.raw = current_blob.raw.concat(cp.raw);
+ } else {
+ current_blob.barcode = current_blob.copy_count;
+ current_blob.call_number = { label : current_blob.cn_count };
+ cn_list.push(current_blob);
+ prev_key = current_key;
+ current_blob = { copy_count : 0 };
+ current_blob.index = index++;
+ current_blob.id_list = cp.id_list;
+ if (cp.raw) current_blob.raw = cp.raw;
+ current_blob.owner_label = cp.owner_label;
+ current_blob.owner_id = cp.owner_id;
+ current_blob.cn_count = 1;
+ current_blob.copy_count = cp.copy_count;
+ current_blob.owner_list = cp.owner_list;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ current_blob.barcode = current_blob.copy_count;
+ current_blob.call_number = { label : current_blob.cn_count };
+ cn_list.push(current_blob);
+ new_list = cn_list;
+ }
+ }
+ service.copies = new_list;
+ service.ongoing = false;
+ },
+ null, // error
+ // notify reads the stream of copies, one at a time.
+ function(cn) {
+ var copies = cn.copies().filter(function(cp){ return cp.deleted() == 'f' });
+ cn.copies([]);
+ angular.forEach(copies, function (cp) {
+ cp.call_number(cn);
+ });
+ var owner_id = cn.owning_lib();
+ var owner = egCore.org.get(owner_id);
+ var owner_name_list = [];
+ while (owner.parent_ou()) { // we're going to skip the top of the tree...
+ owner_name_list.unshift(owner.name());
+ owner = egCore.org.get(owner.parent_ou());
+ }
+ if (copies[0]) {
+ var flat = [];
+ angular.forEach(copies, function (cp) {
+ var flat_cp = egCore.idl.toHash(cp);
+ flat_cp.owner_id = owner_id;
+ flat_cp.owner_list = owner_name_list;
+ flat_cp.id_list = [flat_cp.id];
+ flat_cp.raw = [cp];
+ flat.push(flat_cp);
+ });
+ service.copies = service.copies.concat(flat);
+ } else if (empty) {
+ service.copies.push({
+ owner_id : owner_id,
+ owner_list : owner_name_list,
+ call_number: egCore.idl.toHash(cn),
+ raw_call_number: cn
+ });
+ }
+ return cn;
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ return service;