my($e, $hold_id, $args) = @_;
$args ||= {};
- my $hold = $e->retrieve_action_hold_request(
- [
- $hold_id,
- {
- flesh => 1,
- flesh_fields => { ahr => [ 'current_copy', 'usr', 'notes' ] }
- }
- ]
- ) or return $e->event;
+ my $flesh_fields = ['current_copy', 'usr', 'notes'];
+ push (@$flesh_fields, 'requestor') if $args->{include_requestor};
+ push (@$flesh_fields, 'cancel_cause') if $args->{include_cancel_cause};
+ my $hold = $e->retrieve_action_hold_request([
+ $hold_id,
+ {flesh => 1, flesh_fields => {ahr => $flesh_fields}}
+ ]) or return $e->event;
if($hold->usr->id ne $e->requestor->id) {
# caller is asking for someone else's hold
- my( $mvr, $volume, $copy, $issuance, $part, $bre ) = find_hold_mvr($e, $hold, $args->{suppress_mvr});
+ my( $mvr, $volume, $copy, $issuance, $part, $bre ) = find_hold_mvr($e, $hold, $args);
flesh_hold_notices([$hold], $e) unless $args->{suppress_notices};
flesh_hold_transits([$hold]) unless $args->{suppress_transits};
my $details = retrieve_hold_queue_status_impl($e, $hold);
+ $hold->usr($user) if $args->{include_usr}; # re-flesh
my $resp = {
hold => $hold,
# hold is all about
# -----------------------------------------------------
sub find_hold_mvr {
- my( $e, $hold, $no_mvr ) = @_;
+ my( $e, $hold, $args ) = @_;
my $tid;
my $copy;
my $volume;
my $issuance;
my $part;
+ my $no_mvr = $args->{suppress_mvr};
if( $hold->hold_type eq OILS_HOLD_TYPE_METARECORD ) {
my $mr = $e->retrieve_metabib_metarecord($hold->target)
if(!$copy and ref $hold->current_copy ) {
$copy = $hold->current_copy;
- $hold->current_copy($copy->id);
+ $hold->current_copy($copy->id) unless $args->{include_current_copy};
if(!$volume and $copy) {
service.fetch_holds = function(hold_ids) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
- // FIXME: large batches using .authoritative result in many
- // stranded cstore backends on the server. Needs investigation.
- // For now, collect holds in a series of small batches.
- // Fetch them serially both to avoid the above problem and
- // to maintain order.
+ // Fetch hold details in batches for better UI responsiveness.
var batch_size = 5;
var index = 0;
- egCore.auth.token(), ids
+ egCore.auth.token(), ids, {
+ include_current_copy : true,
+ include_usr : true,
+ include_cancel_cause : true,
+ include_requestor : true
+ }
one_batch, // kick off the next batch
hold.current_shelf_lib(; =;
- if (hold.requestor() && typeof hold.requestor() != 'object')
+ // TODO: LP#1697954 fleshing calls below are deprecated in favor
+ // of API fleshing.
+ if (hold.requestor() && typeof hold.requestor() != 'object') {
+ console.debug('fetching hold requestor');
egCore.pcrud.retrieve('au',hold.requestor()).then(function(u) { hold.requestor(u) });
+ }
- if (hold.cancel_cause() && typeof hold.cancel_cause() != 'object')
+ if (hold.cancel_cause() && typeof hold.cancel_cause() != 'object') {
+ console.debug('fetching hold cancel cause');
egCore.pcrud.retrieve('ahrcc',hold.cancel_cause()).then(function(c) { hold.cancel_cause(c) });
+ }
- if (hold.usr() && typeof hold.usr() != 'object')
+ if (hold.usr() && typeof hold.usr() != 'object') {
+ console.debug('fetching hold user');
egCore.pcrud.retrieve('au',hold.usr()).then(function(u) { hold.usr(u) });
+ }
// current_copy is not always fleshed in the API
if (hold.current_copy() && typeof hold.current_copy() != 'object') {
- egCore.auth.token(), $scope.holdId
+ egCore.auth.token(), $scope.holdId, {
+ include_current_copy : true,
+ include_usr : true,
+ include_cancel_cause : true,
+ include_requestor : true
+ }
).then(function(hold_data) {