for my $atom (@{$self->query_atoms}) {
if (ref($atom)) {
$self->{tsquery} .= "\n" . ${spc} x 3;
- $self->{tsquery} .= '(' if $atom->explicit_start;
+ $self->{tsquery} .= '(' x $atom->explicit_start if $atom->explicit_start;
$self->{tsquery} .= $atom->sql;
- $self->{tsquery} .= ')' if $atom->explicit_end;
+ $self->{tsquery} .= ')' x $atom->explicit_end if $atom->explicit_end;
} else {
$self->{tsquery} .= $atom x 2;
} elsif (/$$r{group_end_re}/) { # end of an explicit group
warn ' 'x$recursing."Encountered explicit group end, remainder: $'\n" if $self->debug;
- $remainder = $';
- $_ = '';
+ if ($recursing) {
+ $remainder = $';
+ $_ = '';
+ } else {
+ $_ = $';
+ }
$last_type = '';
} elsif ($self->filter_count && /$$r{filter_re}/) { # found a filter
my $add_space = $q ? 1 : 0;
if ($abstract_query->{explicit_start}) {
$q .= ' ' if $add_space;
- $q .= $gs;
+ $q .= $gs x $abstract_query->{explicit_start};
$add_space = 0;
my $prefix = $abstract_query->{prefix} || '';
$q .= ($add_space ? ' ' : '') . $prefix .
($abstract_query->{content} // '') .
($abstract_query->{suffix} || '');
- $q .= $ge if ($abstract_query->{explicit_end});
+ $q .= $ge x $abstract_query->{explicit_end} if ($abstract_query->{explicit_end});
} elsif ($abstract_query->{type} eq 'facet') {
my $prefix = $abstract_query->{negate} ? $qpconfig->{operators}{disallowed} : '';
$q .= ($q ? ' ' : '') . $prefix . $abstract_query->{name} . "[" .
and 1 == grep { # and we have exactly one (possibly merged, above) ::node with at least one ::atom
ref($_) and $_->isa('QueryParser::query_plan::node')
} @{$self->query_nodes}
+ and (my @atoms = @{$self->query_nodes->[0]->query_atoms}) > 0
) {
- warn "setting explicit flags on atoms that may later be pulled up, at depth". $self->plan_level . "\n"
- if $self->QueryParser->debug;
- $self->query_nodes->[0]->query_atoms->[0]->explicit_start(1) if @{$self->query_nodes->[0]->query_atoms};
- $self->query_nodes->[0]->query_atoms->[-1]->explicit_end(1) if @{$self->query_nodes->[0]->query_atoms};
+ warn "setting explicit flags on atoms that may later be pulled up, at depth". $self->plan_level . "\n"
+ if $self->QueryParser->debug;
+ my $first_atom = $atoms[0];
+ my $last_atom = $atoms[-1];
+ $first_atom->explicit_start(1 + $first_atom->explicit_start );
+ $last_atom->explicit_end(1 + $last_atom->explicit_end);
} else { # otherwise, the explicit grouping is meaningless, toss it
-my $sql = $parser->toSQL;
-$sql =~ s/^\s*$//gm;
print "Parsed query tree:\n" . Dumper($parser) unless $quiet;
print "Abstract query:\n" . Dumper($parser->parse_tree->to_abstract_query) unless $quiet;
+print "Canonicalized query: " . $parser->canonicalize ."\n" unless $quiet;
-print "SQL:\n$sql\n\n" unless $quiet;
+if (!$noconnect and !$quiet) {
+ my $sql = $parser->toSQL;
+ $sql =~ s/^\s*$//gm;
+ print "SQL:\n$sql\n\n";