- dateformat="{{$root.egDateAndTimeFormat}}">
+ dateformat="{{$root.egDateAndTimeFormat}}"
+ row-class="colorizeItemsOutList">
<eg-grid-action handler="print_receipt"
label="[% l('Print Item Receipt') %]"></eg-grid-action>
- <eg-grid-field label="[% l('Due Date') %]" path='due_date' datefilter="egDueDate" dateonlyinterval="duration" datecontext="circ_lib" datatype="timestamp"></eg-grid-field>
+ <eg-grid-field label="[% l('Due Date') %]" path='due_date' datefilter="egDueDate" dateonlyinterval="duration" datecontext="circ_lib" datatype="timestamp" required></eg-grid-field>
<eg-grid-field label="[% l('Workstation') %]" path='workstation.name'></eg-grid-field>
<eg-grid-field label="[% l('Checkin Workstation') %]" path='checkin_workstation.name'></eg-grid-field>
<eg-grid-field label="[% l('Checkout / Renewal Library') %]" path='circ_lib.shortname'></eg-grid-field>
color: #FFF;
background-color: #EB0000 !important;
-.overdue-row a:link, .lost-row a:link {
+.overdue-row a:link, .overdue-row a:visited, .lost-row a:link, .lost-row a:visited {
color: #B8ECFF;
// noncat_list always involves instantiating a new grid.
+ $scope.colorizeItemsOutList = {
+ apply: function(item) {
+ var duedate = item.due_date();
+ if (duedate && duedate < new Date().toISOString()) {
+ return 'overdue-row';
+ }
+ }
+ }
// Reload the user to pick up changes in items out, fines, etc.
// Reload circs since the contents of the main vs. alt list may
// have changed.