xref:#data_types[data types] with details about acceptable settings
+Jump to a specific table:
+* <<lse-acq,Acqusitions Settings>>
+* <<lse-cataloging,Booking and Cataloging Settings>>
+* <<lse-circulation,Circulation Settings>>
+* <<lse-credit-cards,Credit Card Processing Settings>>
+* <<lse-finances,Finances Settings>>
+* <<lse-gui,GUI Settings>>
+* <<lse-global,Global Settings>>
+* <<lse-holds,Holds Settings>>
+* <<lse-library,Library Settings (General)>>
+* <<lse-opac,OPAC Settings>>
+* <<lse-offline,Offline and Program Settings>>
+* <<lse-receipt,Receipt Templates and SMS Message Settings>>
+* <<lse-security,Security Settings>>
+* <<lse-selfcheck,Self Check and Other Settings>>
+* <<lse-vandelay,Vandelay (MARC Import-Export) Settings>>
((("Acquisitions", "Library Settings Editor")))
|Upload Merge on Single Match by Default|Merge records on single match by default during ACQ file upload|True/False|
+<<settings_overview,Return to Settings Overview>>
((("Booking", "Library Settings Editor")))
((("Cataloging", "Library Settings Editor")))
|Spine label maximum lines|Set the default maximum number of lines for spine labels.|Number|
+<<settings_overview,Return to Settings Overview>>
((("Circulation", "Library Settings Editor")))
|Warn when patron account is about to expire|If set, the staff client displays a warning this number of days before the expiry of a patron account. Value is in number of days.|Duration|
+<<settings_overview,Return to Settings Overview>>
((("Credit Card Processing", "Library Settings Editor")))
|Stripe secret key|Secret API key from stripe.|Text|
+<<settings_overview,Return to Settings Overview>>
((("Finances", "Library Settings Editor")))
|Void overdue fines when items are marked lost|If true overdue fines are voided when an item is marked lost|True/False|
+<<settings_overview,Return to Settings Overview>>
((("GUI", "Library Settings Editor")))
((("Graphic User Interface", "Library Settings Editor")))
((("Patron Registration Settings", "Library Settings Editor")))
!Work Log: maximum patrons logged!Maximum entries for "Most Recently Affected Patrons..." section of the Work Log interface.!Number!
+<<settings_overview,Return to Settings Overview>>
((("Global", "Library Settings Editor")))
|Patron username format|Regular expression defining the patron username format, used for patron registration and self-service username changing only|Regular expression|
+<<settings_overview,Return to Settings Overview>>
((("Holds", "Library Settings Editor")))
|Use weight-based hold targeting|Use library weight based hold targeting|True/False|
+<<settings_overview,Return to Settings Overview>>
((("Library", "Library Settings Editor")))
|Telephony: Arbitrary line(s) to include in each notice callfile|This overrides lines from opensrf.xml. Line(s) must be valid for your target server and platform (e.g. Asterisk 1.4).|Text|
+<<settings_overview,Return to Settings Overview>>
((("OPAC", "Library Settings Editor")))
|Warn patrons when adding to a temporary book list|Present a warning dialogue when a patron adds a book to the temporary book list.|True/False|
+<<settings_overview,Return to Settings Overview>>
((("Offline", "Library Settings Editor")))
((("Program", "Library Settings Editor")))
|Sending email address for patron notices|This email address is for automatically generated patron notices (e.g. email overdues, email holds notification). It is good practice to set up a generic account, like info@nameofyourlibrary.org, so that one person’s individual email inbox doesn’t get cluttered with emails that were not delivered.|Text|
+<<settings_overview,Return to Settings Overview>>
((("Receipt Templates", "Library Settings Editor")))
((("SMS Settings", "Library Settings Editor")))
((("Text Messaging", "Library Settings Editor")))
|Enable features that send SMS text messages.|Current features that use SMS include hold-ready-for-pickup notifications and a "Send Text" action for call numbers in the OPAC. If this setting is not enabled, the SMS options will not be offered to the user. Unless you are carefully silo-ing patrons and their use of the OPAC, the context org for this setting should be the top org in the org hierarchy, otherwise patrons can trample their user settings when jumping between orgs.|True/False|
+<<settings_overview,Return to Settings Overview>>
((("Security", "Library Settings Editor")))
|Staff login inactivity timeout (in seconds)|Number of seconds of inactivity before staff client prompts for login and password.|Number|
+<<settings_overview,Return to Settings Overview>>
((("Self Check", "Library Settings Editor")))
|Number of seconds to wait between URL test attempts|Throttling mechanism for batch URL verification runs. Each running process will wait this number of seconds after a URL test before performing the next.|Duration|
+<<settings_overview,Return to Settings Overview>>
((("Vandelay", "Library Settings Editor")))
|Vandelay Generate Default Call Numbers|Auto-generate default item call numbers when no item call number is present|True/False|These are pulled from the MARC Record.
+<<settings_overview,Return to Settings Overview>>
=== Data Types ===