. Click *Save*.
+image::batch_importing_MARC/new_record_match.jpg[New Record Match]
. The screen will refresh to list the record match set that you created. Click
the link to the record match set.
this box would be the equivalent of applying a Boolean operator of NOT to the
match point.
+image::batch_importing_MARC/record_attribute.jpg[Record Attribute]
-. Click *Ok.*
+. Select an operator from the expression tree to the right.
-. Drag the completed match point under the folder with the
-appropriately-named Boolean folder under the Expression tree.
-The match point will nest underneath the folder in the Expression tree.
+. Click *Add to Selected Node*. Once this is selected, the tree will refresh and update with the new expression.
. Enter another *Boolean Operator* to further refine your match set.
. Select the *OR* operator from the drop down menu.
-. Click *Ok*.
-. Drag the operator to the expression tree.
+. Click *Add to Selected Node*. The operator will appear on the tree.
. Click *MARC Tag and Subfield*.
this box would be the equivalent of applying a Boolean operator of NOT to the
match point.
-. Click *Ok.*
-. Drag the completed match point under the folder with the
-appropriately-named Boolean folder under the Expression tree. The Expression
-will build across the top of the screen.
-. Add additional MARC tags or record attributes to build the expression tree.
-. Click *Save Changes to Expression*.
+. Click *Add to Selected Node*. Once this is selected, the tree will refresh and update with the new expression.
+image::batch_importing_MARC/marc_tag_and_subfield.jpg[MARC Tag and Subfield]
=== Replace Mode ===
. Create a working match point.
-. Click *Enter Replace Mode*.
+. Click on an expression in the tree to edit.
-. Highlight the piece of the tree that you want to replace.
+. Make any changes in the form.
-. Drag the replacement piece over the highlighted piece.
+. Click *Replace Selected Node*.
+image::batch_importing_MARC/replace_node.jpg[Replacing Nodes]
-. Click *Exit Replace Mode*.
+. The updated change will display in the tree.
=== Quality Metrics ===
incoming records. You can, as in the expression match score, increase the
quality points by increasing subsequent records by a power of 2 (two).
-. Click *Ok*.
+. Click *Add*.
+image::batch_importing_MARC/match_set_quality.jpg[Match Set Quality]
== Merge/Overlay Profiles ==
|Field | Recommended | Description
-|Name | Yes | Name you will choose from the MARC Batch Import screen
-|Tag | Yes | MARC Holdings Tag/Field (e.g. 949). Use the Tag field to
-identify the MARC tag that contains your holdings information.
+|Alert Message||
|Barcode | Yes |
|Call Number | Yes |
-|Circulating Library | Yes |
-|Owning Library | Yes |
-|Alert Message ||
|Circulate ||
|Circulate As MARC Type ||
-|Circulation Modifier ||
|Copy Number ||
+|Definition ID ||
|Deposit ||
|Deposit Amount ||
|Holdable ||
+|Name | Yes | Name you will choose from the MARC Batch Import screen
|OPAC Visible ||
|Overlay Match ID || The copy ID of an existing item to overlay
+|Owner ||
+|Owning Library | Yes |
|Parts Data || Of the format `PART LABEL 1\|PART LABEL 2`.
|Price ||
|Private Note ||
attached to them, the overlay process will keep those values unless the
incoming items contain updated values for matching categories.
|Status ||
+|Tag | Yes | MARC Holdings Tag/Field (e.g. 949). Use the Tag field to
+identify the MARC tag that contains your holdings information.
our record match set, quality metrics, and merge/overlay choices that we will
+. Save or upload a template.
. Select a *Record Type* from the drop down menu.
. Create a queue to which you can upload your records, or add you records to
. Select a *Holdings Import Profile* if you want to import holdings that are
attached to your records.
-. Select a *Record Source* from the drop down menu.
. Select a *Merge Profile*. Merge profiles enable you to specify which tags
should be removed or preserved in incoming records.
+. Select an *Insufficient Quality Fall-Through Profile* if desired. This
+field enables you to indicate that if the inbound record does not meet the
+configured quality standards, then you may still import the record using an
+alternate merge profile. This field is typically used for selecting a merge
+profile that allows the user to import holdings attached to a lower quality
+record without replacing the existing (target) record with the incoming record.
+This field is optional.
+. Enter a *Best/Single Match Minimum Quality Ratio.* Divide the incoming
+record quality score by the record quality score of the best match that might
+exist in the catalog. By default, Evergreen will assign any record a quality
+score of 1 (one). If you want to ensure that the inbound record is only
+imported when it has a higher quality than the best match, then you must enter
+a ratio that is higher than 1. For example, if you want the incoming record to
+have twice the quality of an existing record, then you should enter a 2 (two)
+in this field. If you want to bypass all quality restraints, enter a 0 (zero)
+in this field.
+. Make an *Optional Session Name* if desired.
+. *Remove MARC Field Groups* if applicable.
+. Select a *Record Source* from the drop down menu.
+. Select from *Limit Matches to Bucket* if desired.
+. Select *Import Non-Matching Records* if applicable.
. Choose one of the following import options if you want to auto-import
+..*Merge on Exact Match (901c)* - Use if you're reloading exported records from the system to match on the record ID.
.. *Merge on Single Match* - Using the Record Match Set, Evergreen will only
attempt to perform the merge/overlay action if only one match was found in the
NOTE: Quality ratio affects only the *Merge on Single Match* and *Merge on Best
Match* options.
-. Enter a *Best/Single Match Minimum Quality Ratio.* Divide the incoming
-record quality score by the record quality score of the best match that might
-exist in the catalog. By default, Evergreen will assign any record a quality
-score of 1 (one). If you want to ensure that the inbound record is only
-imported when it has a higher quality than the best match, then you must enter
-a ratio that is higher than 1. For example, if you want the incoming record to
-have twice the quality of an existing record, then you should enter a 2 (two)
-in this field. If you want to bypass all quality restraints, enter a 0 (zero)
-in this field.
-. Select an *Insufficient Quality Fall-Through Profile* if desired. This
-field enables you to indicate that if the inbound record does not meet the
-configured quality standards, then you may still import the record using an
-alternate merge profile. This field is typically used for selecting a merge
-profile that allows the user to import holdings attached to a lower quality
-record without replacing the existing (target) record with the incoming record.
-This field is optional.
-. Under *Copy Import Actions*, choose _Auto-overlay In-process Acquisitions
-Copies_ if you want to overlay temporary copies that were created by the
-Acquisitions module. The system will attempt to overlay copies that:
+. Choose *Auto-overlay In-process Acquisitions Items* if you want to overlay temporary copies that were created by the Acquisitions module. The system will attempt to overlay copies that:
* have associated lineitem details (that is, they were created by the acquisitions process),
* that lineitem detail has the same owning_lib as the incoming copy's owning_lib, and
. *Browse* to find the appropriate file, and click *Upload*. The file will
be uploaded to a queue. The file can be in either MARC or MARCXML format.
-image::media/marc_batch_import_acq_overlay.png[Batch Importing MARC Records]
+image::batch_importing_MARC/import_record.jpg[Importing Records]
. The screen will display records that have been uploaded to your queue. Above
the table there are three sections: