my $locale = shift || '';
my $cache = OpenSRF::Utils::Cache->new("global", 0);
my $tree = $ORG_TREE{$locale} || $cache->get_cache("orgtree.$locale");
+ $ORG_TREE{$locale} = $tree; # make sure to populate the process-local cache
return $tree if $tree;
my $ses = OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor->new;
my $non_inherited_vis_gf = shift || $U->get_global_flag('opac.org_unit.non_inherited_visibility');
return 1 if ($U->is_true($non_inherited_vis_gf->enabled));
- my $ot = $U->get_org_tree;
- while ($org = $U->find_org($ot,$org->parent_ou)) {
+ while ($org = $org->parent_ou) {
return 0 if (!$U->is_true($org->opac_visible));
return 1;
+sub flesh_parents {
+ my $t = shift;
+ my $kids = $t->children;
+ if ($kids && @$kids) {
+ map {$_->parent_ou($t); flesh_parents($_)} @$kids;
+ }
+sub unflesh_parents {
+ my $t = shift;
+ my $kids = $t->children;
+ if ($kids && @$kids) {
+ map {$_->parent_ou($t->id); unflesh_parents($_)} @$kids;
+ }
sub flatten {
my $self = shift;
my $dorgs = $U->get_org_descendants($site_org->id, $depth_filter);
my $aorgs = $U->get_org_ancestors($site_org->id);
+ flesh_parents($ot);
if (!$self->find_modifier('staff')) {
my $non_inherited_vis_gf = $U->get_global_flag('opac.org_unit.non_inherited_visibility');
$dorgs = [ grep { is_org_visible($U->find_org($ot,$_), $non_inherited_vis_gf) } @$dorgs ];
$aorgs = [ grep { is_org_visible($U->find_org($ot,$_), $non_inherited_vis_gf) } @$aorgs ];
+ unflesh_parents($ot);
push @{$vis_filter{'c_attr'}},
"search.calculate_visibility_attribute_test('circ_lib','{".join(',', @$dorgs)."}',$negate)";