This patch ensures that dest_courier_code is added to
the printer context; it also displays the courier code (if set)
on the transit modal and mentions dest_courier_code in the
inline documentation for transit and hold slips.
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <>
Signed-off-by: Kathy Lussier <>
<span>[% l('Destination') %]</span>
+ <div ng-if="dest_courier_code">
+ <span>{{dest_courier_code}}</span>
+ </div>
* dest_address.state
* dest_address.post_code
+* dest_courier_code - from lib.courier_code library setting
* hold.behind_desk
* copy.barcode
* title
* dest_address.state
* dest_address.post_code
+* dest_courier_code - from lib.courier_code library setting
* copy.barcode
* title
* author
// route_dialog includes the "route to holds shelf"
// dialog, which has no transit
print_context.transit = egCore.idl.toHash(data.transit);
+ print_context.dest_courier_code = data.dest_courier_code;
if (data.address) {
print_context.dest_address = egCore.idl.toHash(data.address);