-== Support Scripts
+Support Scripts
Various scripts are included with Evergreen in the `/openils/bin/` directory
(and in the source code in `Open-ILS/src/support-scripts` and
-=== marc_export: Exporting Bibliographic Records into MARC files
+marc_export: Exporting Bibliographic Records into MARC files
-=== Importing Authority Records from Command Line
+Importing Authority Records from Command Line
psql -U evergreen -h localhost -d evergreen -f pg_loader-output.sql
+MARC Stream Importer
+The MARC Stream Importer can import authority records or bibliographic records.
+A single running instance of the script can import either type of record, based
+on the record leader.
+This support script has its own configuration file, _marc_stream_importer.conf_,
+which includes settings related to logs, ports, uses, and access control.
+The importer is even more flexible than the staff client import, including the
+following options:
+ * _--bib-auto-overlay-exact_ and _--auth-auto-overlay-exact_: overlay/merge on
+exact 901c matches
+ * _--bib-auto-overlay-1match_ and _--auth-auto-overlay-1match_: overlay/merge
+when exactly one match is found
+ * _--bib-auto-overlay-best-match_ and _--auth-auto-overlay-best-match_:
+overlay/merge on best match
+ * _--bib-import-no-match_ and _--auth-import-no-match_: import when no match
+is found
+One advantage to using this tool instead of the staff client Import interface
+is that the MARC Stream Importer can load a group of files at once.