This is in support of, re: Cat Date
So for example, let's suppose you want to store a "Cat Date" in MARC tag 915, subfield a.
You could do this in the database:
INSERT INTO config.record_attr_definition (name,label,filter,sorter,tag,sf_list)
VALUES ( 'cat_date', 'Cat Date', 'f', 't', '915', 'd' );
Add this to server/locale/en-US/ (optional but recommended): Date:
And then add something like this to server/skin/custom.js:
try {"UniversalXPConnect");
var prefs = Components.classes[';1'].getService(Components.interfaces['nsIPrefBranch']);
["title", "edition", "editor", "cat_date"],
["author", "pubdate", "edit_date", "holds"],
["bib_call_number", "tcn", "create_date", "items"]
["title", "edition", "editor", "cat_date"],
["author", "pubdate", "edit_date", "holds"],
["call_number", "tcn", "create_date", "items"]
} catch(E) {
dump('Error in custom.js trying to set oils.bib_brief.* ' + E + '\n');
Finally, re-ingest any records with tag 915d (you can simply edit the MARC via
the MARC Editor for a specific record, or if the ingest.reingest.force_on_same_marc
row in config.internal_flag is enabled and you're not doing this during library
hours, you can re-ingest all records with UPDATE biblio.record_entry SET marc = marc;)
Signed-off-by: Jason Etheridge <>
Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <>
method => "biblio_record_record_metadata",
api_name => "",
authoritative => 1,
- argc => 1, #(session_id, biblio_tree )
- notes => "Walks the tree and commits any changed nodes " .
- "adds any new nodes, and deletes any deleted nodes",
+ argc => 2, #(session_id, list of bre ids )
+ notes => "Returns a list of slim-downed bre objects based on the " .
+ "ids passed in",
sub biblio_record_record_metadata {
my $rec = $editor->retrieve_biblio_record_entry($_);
+ $rec->attrs($editor->retrieve_metabib_record_attr($rec->id));
$rec->clear_marc; # slim the record down
push( @results, $rec );
+ // Let's loop through bre.attrs.attrs and put them with any matching
+ // elements in bib_brief_overlay.xul
+ if (params.bre.attrs()) {
+ // FIXME -- we should do this in the perl; what's below isn't robust
+ var attrs = JSON2js(
+ '{' +
+ params.bre.attrs().attrs().replace(
+ '=>',':','g').replace('NULL','null','g')
+ + '}'
+ );
+ for (var attr in attrs) {
+ if (exists(attr)) {
+ set(attr,attrs[attr]);
+ set_tooltip(attr,attr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
// Let's fetch a bib call number, if the "bib_call_number" field exists
// in our display
if (exists('bib_call_number')) {