<ng-container *ngIf="!context.disableSelect">
<div class="eg-grid-cell eg-grid-checkbox-cell eg-grid-cell-skinny">
- <input type='checkbox' [(ngModel)]="context.rowSelector.indexes[context.getRowIndex(row)]"
+ <input type='checkbox'
+ [ngModel]="context.rowSelector.indexes[context.getRowIndex(row)]"
+ (ngModelChange)="context.rowSelector.toggle(context.getRowIndex(row))"
i18n-aria-label="e.g. Row 13" attr.aria-label="Row {{context.pager.rowNumber(idx)}}"
popoverTitle="Actions for Selected Rows" i18n-popoverTitle
@Output() onRowActivate: EventEmitter<any>;
@Output() onRowClick: EventEmitter<any>;
+ // Emits an array of grid row indexes on any row selection change.
+ @Output() rowSelectionChange: EventEmitter<string[]>;
@ViewChild('toolbar', { static: true }) toolbar: GridToolbarComponent;
new GridContext(this.idl, this.org, this.store, this.format);
this.onRowActivate = new EventEmitter<any>();
this.onRowClick = new EventEmitter<any>();
+ this.rowSelectionChange = new EventEmitter<string[]>();
ngOnInit() {
return '';
+ this.context.rowSelector.selectionChange.subscribe(
+ keys => this.rowSelectionChange.emit(keys)
+ );
if (this.showLinkSelectors) {
'showLinkSelectors is deprecated and no longer has any effect');
ngOnDestroy() {
+ this.context.rowSelector.selectionChange.unsubscribe();
export class GridRowSelector {
indexes: {[string: string]: boolean};
+ // Track these so we can emit the selectionChange event
+ // only when the selection actually changes.
+ previousSelection: string[] = [];
+ // Emits the selected indexes on selection change
+ selectionChange: EventEmitter<string[]> = new EventEmitter<string[]>();
constructor() {
return true;
+ emitChange() {
+ const keys = this.selected();
+ if (keys.length === this.previousSelection.length &&
+ this.contains(this.previousSelection)) {
+ return; // No change has occurred
+ }
+ this.previousSelection = keys;
+ this.selectionChange.emit(keys);
+ }
select(index: string | string[]) {
const indexes = [].concat(index);
indexes.forEach(i => this.indexes[i] = true);
+ this.emitChange();
deselect(index: string | string[]) {
const indexes = [].concat(index);
indexes.forEach(i => delete this.indexes[i]);
+ this.emitChange();
+ }
+ toggle(index: string) {
+ if (this.indexes[index]) {
+ this.deselect(index);
+ } else {
+ this.select(index);
+ }
- // Returns the list of selected index values.
- // In some contexts (template checkboxes) the value for an index is
- // set to false to deselect instead of having it removed (via deselect()).
- // NOTE GridRowSelector has no knowledge of when a row is no longer
- // present in the grid. Use GridContext.getSelectedRows() to get
- // list of selected rows that are still present in the grid.
- selected() {
- return Object.keys(this.indexes).filter(
- ind => Boolean(this.indexes[ind]));
+ selected(): string[] {
+ return Object.keys(this.indexes);
isEmpty(): boolean {
clear() {
this.indexes = {};
+ this.emitChange();