-use Test::More tests => 129;
+use Test::More tests => 132;
diag("Test features of Conditional Negative Balances code.");
-## 11. Manually voiding lost book fee does not result in negative balances
-#### Setup use case variables
-#$xact_id = 5;
-#$item_id = 6;
-#$item_barcode = 'CONC4000040';
-## Setup Org Unit Settings
+# Restore then generate new overdues on xact with adjustments
+### Setup use case variables
+$xact_id = 5;
+$item_id = 6;
+$item_barcode = 'CONC4000041';
+# Setup Org Unit Settings
# 'bill.prohibit_negative_balance_default' => 1
-#$summary = fetch_billable_xact_summary($xact_id);
-#ok( $summary, 'CASE 11: Found the transaction summary');
-# $summary->balance_owed,
-# '50.00',
-# 'Starting balance owed is 50.00 for lost item'
-#### confirm the copy is lost
-#$item_req = $storage_ses->request('open-ils.storage.direct.asset.copy.retrieve', $item_id);
-#if (my $item_resp = $item_req->recv) {
-# if (my $item = $item_resp->content) {
-# is(
-# $item->status,
-# 3,
-# 'Item with id = ' . $item_id . ' has status of LOST'
-# );
-# }
-#### partially pay the bill
-#$payment_blob = {
-# userid => $patron_id,
-# note => '09-lp1198465_neg_balances.t',
-# payment_type => 'cash_payment',
-# patron_credit => '0.00',
-# payments => [ [ $xact_id, '10.00' ] ]
-#$pay_resp = pay_bills($payment_blob);
-# scalar( @{ $pay_resp->{payments} } ),
-# 1,
-# 'Payment response included one payment id'
-#$summary = fetch_billable_xact_summary($xact_id);
-# $summary->balance_owed,
-# '40.00',
-# 'Remaining balance of 40.00 after payment'
-#### TODO: manually void "the rest" of the bill (i.e. prevent neg bal)
-#### XXX: HARDCODING billing id for now; should look up the LOST bill for this xact?
-#my @billing_ids = (6);
-#my $void_resp = void_bills(\@billing_ids);
-# $void_resp,
-# '1',
-# 'Voiding was successful'
-#### verify ending state
-#$summary = fetch_billable_xact_summary($xact_id);
-# $summary->balance_owed,
-# '0.00',
-# 'Patron has a balance of 0.00 (negative balance prohibited)'
+$settings = {
+ 'circ.restore_overdue_on_lost_return' => 1,
+ 'circ.lost.generate_overdue_on_checkin' => 1
+ 'open-ils.actor',
+ 'open-ils.actor.org_unit.settings.update',
+ $script->authtoken,
+ $org_id,
+ $settings
+$summary = fetch_billable_xact_summary($xact_id);
+ $summary->balance_owed,
+ '50.00',
+ 'Starting balance owed is 50.00 for lost item'
+$checkin_resp = $script->do_checkin_override({
+ barcode => $item_barcode
+ $checkin_resp->{ilsevent},
+ 0,
+ 'Checkin returned a SUCCESS event'
+### verify ending state
+$summary = fetch_billable_xact_summary($xact_id);
+ $summary->balance_owed,
+ '3.00',
+ 'Patron has a balance of 3.00 (newly generated fines, up to maxfines)'
(DEFAULT, 16, '2014-05-26 23:59:59-04', false, NULL, NULL, 0.10, 'Overdue materials', 1, 'System Generated Overdue Fine'),
(DEFAULT, 16, '2014-05-27 23:59:59-04', false, NULL, NULL, 0.10, 'Overdue materials', 1, 'System Generated Overdue Fine'),
(DEFAULT, 16, '2014-05-28 23:59:59-04', false, NULL, NULL, 0.10, 'Overdue materials', 1, 'System Generated Overdue Fine'),
- -- XACT 10 must be last, because we use CURRVAL() to put their IDs in the account adjustments
+ -- XACTS 5 and 10 must be last, because we use CURRVAL() to put their IDs in the account adjustments
+ (DEFAULT, 5, '2014-05-22 23:59:59-04', false, NULL, '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04', 0.10, 'Overdue materials', 1, 'System Generated Overdue Fine'),
+ (DEFAULT, 5, '2014-05-23 23:59:59-04', false, NULL, '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04', 0.10, 'Overdue materials', 1, 'System Generated Overdue Fine'),
+ (DEFAULT, 5, '2014-05-24 23:59:59-04', false, NULL, '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04', 0.10, 'Overdue materials', 1, 'System Generated Overdue Fine'),
+ (DEFAULT, 5, '2014-05-25 23:59:59-04', false, NULL, '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04', 0.10, 'Overdue materials', 1, 'System Generated Overdue Fine'),
+ (DEFAULT, 5, '2014-05-26 23:59:59-04', false, NULL, '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04', 0.10, 'Overdue materials', 1, 'System Generated Overdue Fine'),
+ (DEFAULT, 5, '2014-05-27 23:59:59-04', false, NULL, '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04', 0.10, 'Overdue materials', 1, 'System Generated Overdue Fine'),
+ (DEFAULT, 5, '2014-05-28 23:59:59-04', false, NULL, '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04', 0.10, 'Overdue materials', 1, 'System Generated Overdue Fine'),
(DEFAULT, 10, (DATE(NOW() - '9 days'::interval) || ' 23:59:59')::TIMESTAMP, false, NULL, NULL, 0.10, 'Overdue materials', 1, 'System Generated Overdue Fine'),
(DEFAULT, 10, (DATE(NOW() - '8 days'::interval) || ' 23:59:59')::TIMESTAMP, false, NULL, NULL, 0.10, 'Overdue materials', 1, 'System Generated Overdue Fine'),
(DEFAULT, 10, (DATE(NOW() - '7 days'::interval) || ' 23:59:59')::TIMESTAMP, false, NULL, NULL, 0.10, 'Overdue materials', 1, 'System Generated Overdue Fine'),
INSERT INTO money.account_adjustment (id, xact, payment_ts, voided, amount, note, amount_collected, accepting_usr, billing) VALUES
+ (DEFAULT, 5, '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04', false, 0.10, '', 0.10, 1, CURRVAL('money.billing_id_seq') - 14),
+ (DEFAULT, 5, '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04', false, 0.10, '', 0.10, 1, CURRVAL('money.billing_id_seq') - 13),
+ (DEFAULT, 5, '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04', false, 0.10, '', 0.10, 1, CURRVAL('money.billing_id_seq') - 12),
+ (DEFAULT, 5, '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04', false, 0.10, '', 0.10, 1, CURRVAL('money.billing_id_seq') - 11),
+ (DEFAULT, 5, '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04', false, 0.10, '', 0.10, 1, CURRVAL('money.billing_id_seq') - 10),
+ (DEFAULT, 5, '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04', false, 0.10, '', 0.10, 1, CURRVAL('money.billing_id_seq') - 9),
+ (DEFAULT, 5, '2014-05-28 08:39:13.070326-04', false, 0.10, '', 0.10, 1, CURRVAL('money.billing_id_seq') - 8),
(DEFAULT, 10, NOW() - '3 days'::interval, false, 0.10, '', 0.10, 1, CURRVAL('money.billing_id_seq') - 7),
(DEFAULT, 10, NOW() - '3 days'::interval, false, 0.10, '', 0.10, 1, CURRVAL('money.billing_id_seq') - 6),
(DEFAULT, 10, NOW() - '3 days'::interval, false, 0.10, '', 0.10, 1, CURRVAL('money.billing_id_seq') - 5),