use OpenILS::Application::AppUtils;
my $U = 'OpenILS::Application::AppUtils';
+my ${spc} = ' ' x 2;
sub quote_value {
my $self = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $flat_plan = $self->flatten;
# generate the relevance ranking
- my $rel = "AVG(\n\t\t(" . join(")+\n\t\t(", @{$$flat_plan{rank_list}}) . ")\n\t)+1";
+ my $rel = "AVG(\n${spc}${spc}(" . join(")+\n${spc}${spc}(", @{$$flat_plan{rank_list}}) . ")\n${spc})+1";
# find any supplied sort option
my ($sort_filter) = $self->find_filter('sort');
$flat_where = "AND $flat_where";
my $with = $$flat_plan{with};
- $with= "\n\t\t\tWITH $with" if $with;
+ $with= "\nWITH $with" if $with;
# Need an array for query parser db function; this gives a better plan
# than the ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT m.source) option as of PostgreSQL 9.1
my $node_rank = 'COALESCE(' . $node->rank . " * ${talias}.weight, 0.0)";
my $core_limit = $self->QueryParser->core_limit || 25000;
- $from .= "\n\tLEFT JOIN (\n\t\tSELECT fe.*, fe_weight.weight, ${talias}_xq.tsq /* search */\n\t\t FROM $table AS fe";
- $from .= "\n\t\t\tJOIN config.metabib_field AS fe_weight ON ( = fe.field)";
+ $from .= "\n${spc}LEFT JOIN (\n${spc}${spc}SELECT fe.*, fe_weight.weight, ${talias}_xq.tsq /* search */\n${spc}${spc} FROM $table AS fe";
+ $from .= "\n${spc}${spc}${spc}JOIN config.metabib_field AS fe_weight ON ( = fe.field)";
if ($node->dummy_count < @{$node->only_atoms} ) {
$with .= ",\n" if $with;
$with .= "${talias}_xq AS (SELECT ". $node->tsquery ." AS tsq )";
- $from .= "\n\t\t\tJOIN ${talias}_xq ON (fe.index_vector @@ ${talias}_xq.tsq)";
+ $from .= "\n${spc}${spc}${spc}JOIN ${talias}_xq ON (fe.index_vector @@ ${talias}_xq.tsq)";
} else {
- $from .= "\n\t\t\t, (SELECT NULL::tsquery AS tsq ) AS x";
+ $from .= "\n${spc}${spc}${spc}, (SELECT NULL::tsquery AS tsq ) AS x";
my @bump_fields;
} @bump_fields
if (@field_ids) {
- $from .= "\n\t\t\tWHERE IN (" .
+ $from .= "\n${spc}${spc}${spc}WHERE IN (" .
join(',', @field_ids) . ")";
@bump_fields = @{$self->QueryParser->search_fields->{$node->classname}};
- ###$from .= "\n\t\tLIMIT $core_limit";
- $from .= "\n\t) AS $talias ON (m.source = ${talias}.source)";
+ ###$from .= "\n${spc}${spc}LIMIT $core_limit";
+ $from .= "\n${spc}) AS $talias ON (m.source = ${talias}.source)";
my %used_bumps;
next if ($$bumps{$b}{multiplier} == 1); # optimization to remove unneeded bumps
my $bump_case = $self->rel_bump( $node, $b, $$bumps{$b}{multiplier} );
- $node_rank .= "\n\t\t\t\t * " . $bump_case if ($bump_case);
+ $node_rank .= "\n${spc}${spc}${spc}${spc} * " . $bump_case if ($bump_case);
my $join_type = $node->negate ? 'LEFT' : 'INNER';
- $from .= "\n\t$join_type JOIN /* facet */ metabib.facet_entry $talias ON (\n\t\tm.source = ${talias}.source\n\t\t".
- "AND SUBSTRING(${talias}.value,1,1024) IN (" . join(",", map { $self->QueryParser->quote_value($_) } @{$node->values}) . ")\n\t\t".
- "AND ${talias}.field IN (". join(',', @field_ids) . ")\n\t)";
+ $from .= "\n${spc}$join_type JOIN /* facet */ metabib.facet_entry $talias ON (\n${spc}${spc}m.source = ${talias}.source\n${spc}${spc}".
+ "AND SUBSTRING(${talias}.value,1,1024) IN (" . join(",", map { $self->QueryParser->quote_value($_) } @{$node->values}) . ")\n${spc}${spc}".
+ "AND ${talias}.field IN (". join(',', @field_ids) . ")\n${spc})";
$where .= $node->negate ? "${talias}.id IS NULL" : 'TRUE';
my $sql = shift;
$self->{sql} = $sql if ($sql);
return $self->{sql} if ($self->{sql});
return $self->buildSQL;
for my $atom (@{$self->query_atoms}) {
if (ref($atom)) {
- $self->{tsquery} .= "\n\t\t\t" .$atom->sql;
+ $self->{tsquery} .= "\n${spc}${spc}${spc}" .$atom->sql;
} else {
$self->{tsquery} .= $atom x 2;
my $self = shift;
my $rank_norm_map = $self->plan->QueryParser->custom_data->{rank_cd_weight_map};
my $cover_density = 0;
for my $norm ( keys %$rank_norm_map) {
$cover_density += $$rank_norm_map{$norm} if ($self->plan->find_modifier($norm));