my $elements = $request->{$message_type}->{UserElementType};
if ($elements) {
$elements = [$elements] unless (ref $elements eq 'ARRAY');
- my $optionalfields = NCIP::User::OptionalFields->new();
- # First, we'll look for name information.
- if (grep {$_ eq 'Name Information'} @$elements) {
- my $name = NCIP::StructuredPersonalUserName->new();
- $name->Surname($user->family_name());
- $name->GivenName($user->first_given_name());
- $name->Prefix($user->prefix());
- $name->Suffix($user->suffix());
- $optionalfields->NameInformation($name);
- }
- # Next, check for user address information.
- if (grep {$_ eq 'User Address Information'} @$elements) {
- my $addresses = [];
- # See if the user has any valid, physcial addresses.
- foreach my $addr (@{$user->addresses()}) {
- next if ($U->is_true($addr->pending()));
- my $address = NCIP::User::AddressInformation->new({UserAddressRoleType=>$addr->address_type()});
- my $physical = NCIP::StructuredAddress->new();
- $physical->Line1($addr->street1());
- $physical->Line2($addr->street2());
- $physical->Locality($addr->city());
- $physical->Region($addr->state());
- $physical->PostalCode($addr->post_code());
- $physical->Country($addr->country());
- $address->PhysicalAddress($physical);
- push @$addresses, $address;
- }
- # Right now, we're only sharing email address if the user
- # has it. We don't share phone numbers.
- if ($user->email()) {
- my $address = NCIP::User::AddressInformation->new({UserAddressRoleType=>'Email Address'});
- $address->ElectronicAddress(
- NCIP::ElectronicAddress->new({
- Type=>'Email Address',
- Data=>$user->email()
- })
- );
- push @$addresses, $address;
- }
- $optionalfields->UserAddressInformation($addresses);
- }
- # Check for User Privilege.
- if (grep {$_ eq 'User Privilege'} @$elements) {
- # Get the user's group:
- my $pgt = $U->simplereq(
- 'open-ils.pcrud',
- 'open-ils.pcrud.retrieve.pgt',
- $self->{session}->{authtoken},
- $user->profile()
- );
- if ($pgt) {
- my $privilege = NCIP::User::Privilege->new();
- $privilege->AgencyId($user->home_ou->shortname());
- $privilege->AgencyUserPrivilegeType($pgt->name());
- $privilege->ValidToDate($user->expire_date());
- $privilege->ValidFromDate($user->create_date());
- my $status = 'Active';
- if (_expired($user)) {
- $status = 'Expired';
- } elsif ($U->is_true($user->barred())) {
- $status = 'Barred';
- } elsif (!$U->is_true($user->active())) {
- $status = 'Inactive';
- }
- if ($status) {
- $privilege->UserPrivilegeStatus(
- NCIP::User::PrivilegeStatus->new({
- UserPrivilegeStatusType => $status
- })
- );
- }
- $optionalfields->UserPrivilege([$privilege]);
- }
- }
- # Check for Block Or Trap.
- if (grep {$_ eq 'Block Or Trap'} @$elements) {
- my $blocks = [];
- # First, let's check if the profile is blocked from ILL.
- if (grep {$_->id() == $user->profile()} @{$self->{blocked_profiles}}) {
- my $block = NCIP::User::BlockOrTrap->new();
- $block->AgencyId($user->home_ou->shortname());
- $block->BlockOrTrapType('Block Interlibrary Loan');
- push @$blocks, $block;
- }
- # Next, we loop through the user's standing penalties
- # looking for blocks on CIRC, HOLD, and RENEW.
- my ($have_circ, $have_renew, $have_hold) = (0,0,0);
- foreach my $penalty (@{$user->standing_penalties()}) {
- next unless($penalty->standing_penalty->block_list());
- my @block_list = split(/\|/, $penalty->standing_penalty->block_list());
- my $ou = $U->simplereq(
- 'open-ils.pcrud',
- 'open-ils.pcrud.retrieve.aou',
- $self->{session}->{authtoken},
- $penalty->org_unit()
- );
- # Block checkout.
- if (!$have_circ && grep {$_ eq 'CIRC'} @block_list) {
- my $bot = NCIP::User::BlockOrTrap->new();
- $bot->AgencyId($ou->shortname());
- $bot->BlockOrTrapType('Block Checkout');
- push @$blocks, $bot;
- $have_circ = 1;
- }
- # Block holds.
- if (!$have_hold && grep {$_ eq 'HOLD' || $_ eq 'FULFILL'} @block_list) {
- my $bot = NCIP::User::BlockOrTrap->new();
- $bot->AgencyId($ou->shortname());
- $bot->BlockOrTrapType('Block Holds');
- push @$blocks, $bot;
- $have_hold = 1;
- }
- # Block renewals.
- if (!$have_renew && grep {$_ eq 'RENEW'} @block_list) {
- my $bot = NCIP::User::BlockOrTrap->new();
- $bot->AgencyId($ou->shortname());
- $bot->BlockOrTrapType('Block Renewals');
- push @$blocks, $bot;
- $have_renew = 1;
- }
- # Stop after we report one of each, even if more
- # blocks remain.
- last if ($have_circ && $have_renew && $have_hold);
- }
- $optionalfields->BlockOrTrap($blocks);
- }
+ my $optionalfields = $self->handle_user_elements($user, $elements);
+=head2 handle_user_elements
+ $useroptionalfield = $ils->handle_user_elements($user, $elements);
+Returns NCIP::User::OptionalFields for the given user and arrayref of
+sub handle_user_elements {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $user = shift;
+ my $elements = shift;
+ my $optionalfields = NCIP::User::OptionalFields->new();
+ # First, we'll look for name information.
+ if (grep {$_ eq 'Name Information'} @$elements) {
+ my $name = NCIP::StructuredPersonalUserName->new();
+ $name->Surname($user->family_name());
+ $name->GivenName($user->first_given_name());
+ $name->Prefix($user->prefix());
+ $name->Suffix($user->suffix());
+ $optionalfields->NameInformation($name);
+ }
+ # Next, check for user address information.
+ if (grep {$_ eq 'User Address Information'} @$elements) {
+ my $addresses = [];
+ # See if the user has any valid, physcial addresses.
+ foreach my $addr (@{$user->addresses()}) {
+ next if ($U->is_true($addr->pending()));
+ my $address = NCIP::User::AddressInformation->new({UserAddressRoleType=>$addr->address_type()});
+ my $physical = NCIP::StructuredAddress->new();
+ $physical->Line1($addr->street1());
+ $physical->Line2($addr->street2());
+ $physical->Locality($addr->city());
+ $physical->Region($addr->state());
+ $physical->PostalCode($addr->post_code());
+ $physical->Country($addr->country());
+ $address->PhysicalAddress($physical);
+ push @$addresses, $address;
+ }
+ # Right now, we're only sharing email address if the user
+ # has it. We don't share phone numbers.
+ if ($user->email()) {
+ my $address = NCIP::User::AddressInformation->new({UserAddressRoleType=>'Email Address'});
+ $address->ElectronicAddress(
+ NCIP::ElectronicAddress->new({
+ Type=>'Email Address',
+ Data=>$user->email()
+ })
+ );
+ push @$addresses, $address;
+ }
+ $optionalfields->UserAddressInformation($addresses);
+ }
+ # Check for User Privilege.
+ if (grep {$_ eq 'User Privilege'} @$elements) {
+ # Get the user's group:
+ my $pgt = $U->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.pcrud',
+ 'open-ils.pcrud.retrieve.pgt',
+ $self->{session}->{authtoken},
+ $user->profile()
+ );
+ if ($pgt) {
+ my $privilege = NCIP::User::Privilege->new();
+ $privilege->AgencyId($user->home_ou->shortname());
+ $privilege->AgencyUserPrivilegeType($pgt->name());
+ $privilege->ValidToDate($user->expire_date());
+ $privilege->ValidFromDate($user->create_date());
+ my $status = 'Active';
+ if (_expired($user)) {
+ $status = 'Expired';
+ } elsif ($U->is_true($user->barred())) {
+ $status = 'Barred';
+ } elsif (!$U->is_true($user->active())) {
+ $status = 'Inactive';
+ }
+ if ($status) {
+ $privilege->UserPrivilegeStatus(
+ NCIP::User::PrivilegeStatus->new({
+ UserPrivilegeStatusType => $status
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ $optionalfields->UserPrivilege([$privilege]);
+ }
+ }
+ # Check for Block Or Trap.
+ if (grep {$_ eq 'Block Or Trap'} @$elements) {
+ my $blocks = [];
+ # First, let's check if the profile is blocked from ILL.
+ if (grep {$_->id() == $user->profile()} @{$self->{blocked_profiles}}) {
+ my $block = NCIP::User::BlockOrTrap->new();
+ $block->AgencyId($user->home_ou->shortname());
+ $block->BlockOrTrapType('Block Interlibrary Loan');
+ push @$blocks, $block;
+ }
+ # Next, we loop through the user's standing penalties
+ # looking for blocks on CIRC, HOLD, and RENEW.
+ my ($have_circ, $have_renew, $have_hold) = (0,0,0);
+ foreach my $penalty (@{$user->standing_penalties()}) {
+ next unless($penalty->standing_penalty->block_list());
+ my @block_list = split(/\|/, $penalty->standing_penalty->block_list());
+ my $ou = $U->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.pcrud',
+ 'open-ils.pcrud.retrieve.aou',
+ $self->{session}->{authtoken},
+ $penalty->org_unit()
+ );
+ # Block checkout.
+ if (!$have_circ && grep {$_ eq 'CIRC'} @block_list) {
+ my $bot = NCIP::User::BlockOrTrap->new();
+ $bot->AgencyId($ou->shortname());
+ $bot->BlockOrTrapType('Block Checkout');
+ push @$blocks, $bot;
+ $have_circ = 1;
+ }
+ # Block holds.
+ if (!$have_hold && grep {$_ eq 'HOLD' || $_ eq 'FULFILL'} @block_list) {
+ my $bot = NCIP::User::BlockOrTrap->new();
+ $bot->AgencyId($ou->shortname());
+ $bot->BlockOrTrapType('Block Holds');
+ push @$blocks, $bot;
+ $have_hold = 1;
+ }
+ # Block renewals.
+ if (!$have_renew && grep {$_ eq 'RENEW'} @block_list) {
+ my $bot = NCIP::User::BlockOrTrap->new();
+ $bot->AgencyId($ou->shortname());
+ $bot->BlockOrTrapType('Block Renewals');
+ push @$blocks, $bot;
+ $have_renew = 1;
+ }
+ # Stop after we report one of each, even if more
+ # blocks remain.
+ last if ($have_circ && $have_renew && $have_hold);
+ }
+ $optionalfields->BlockOrTrap($blocks);
+ }
+ return $optionalfields;
=head2 login