--- /dev/null
+# Generate a graph visualization from the model. Requires Graphviz.
+# To run, from conifer directory:
+# DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=conifer.settings PYTHONPATH=.. python syrup/model_to_graphviz.py | fdp -Tpng > /tmp/syrup-model.png
+import django.db.models
+#import conifer.syrup.models as models
+import conifer.syrup.direct_models as models
+from django.db.models.fields.related import ForeignRelatedObjectsDescriptor
+print 'digraph a {'
+print '{ splines=true; }'
+print 'graph [ label="dotted-end is the foreign (\'many\') end", splines=true ]'
+all = set(); linked = set(); primary = set()
+for name, value in models.__dict__.items():
+ if isinstance(value, type) and issubclass(value, django.db.models.Model):
+ local = value.__name__
+ all.add(local)
+ for k, v in value.__dict__.items():
+ if isinstance(v, ForeignRelatedObjectsDescriptor):
+ foreign = v.related.model.__name__
+ print '%s -> %s [ arrowhead=dot, arrowtail=none ];' % (local, foreign)
+ primary.add(local); linked.add(local); linked.add(foreign)
+for n in (all - linked):
+ print '%s [ style=dashed ]' % n
+for n in primary:
+ print '%s [ color=blue ]' % n
+print '}'
+++ /dev/null
-# Generate a graph visualization from the model. Requires Graphviz.
-# To run, from conifer directory:
-# DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=conifer.settings PYTHONPATH=.. python syrup/model_to_graphviz.py | fdp -Tpng > /tmp/syrup-model.png
-import django.db.models
-#import conifer.syrup.models as models
-import conifer.syrup.direct_models as models
-from django.db.models.fields.related import ForeignRelatedObjectsDescriptor
-print 'digraph a {'
-print '{ splines=true; }'
-print 'graph [ label="dotted-end is the foreign (\'many\') end", splines=true ]'
-all = set(); linked = set(); primary = set()
-for name, value in models.__dict__.items():
- if isinstance(value, type) and issubclass(value, django.db.models.Model):
- local = value.__name__
- all.add(local)
- for k, v in value.__dict__.items():
- if isinstance(v, ForeignRelatedObjectsDescriptor):
- foreign = v.related.model.__name__
- print '%s -> %s [ arrowhead=dot, arrowtail=none ];' % (local, foreign)
- primary.add(local); linked.add(local); linked.add(foreign)
-for n in (all - linked):
- print '%s [ style=dashed ]' % n
-for n in primary:
- print '%s [ color=blue ]' % n
-print '}'
def items(self):
return Item.objects.filter(course=self.id)
+ def item_tree(self):
+ """
+ Return a list, representing a tree of the course items, in
+ display order. Every element of the list is an (Item, [Item])
+ tuple, where the second element is the (optional) list of
+ sub-elements (if a heading) or None (if an item).
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
class Member(m.Model):
course = m.ForeignKey(Course)
user = m.ForeignKey(User)