If your connection to Evergreen is lost, click _Standalone
Interface_ tio circulate items or register patrons while connection is down.
+Preset Tabs in Evergreen Client
+To have preset tabs waiting when Evergreen opens you will need to modify the
+*Evergreen shortcut* on your desktop.
+. First, you need to copy your shortcut. There are a couple of ways to do this.
+.. Right-mouse click and drag icon; upon release select *Create Shortcut
+.. Right-mouse click icon, select *Send to*, and select *Desktop (create
+. Right-mouse click the new shortcut and select *Properties*.
+. Listed in the *Target* box you will see something like the following path
+surrounded by quotation marks: "C:\Program Files\Evergreen Staff Client MVLC\evergreen.exe"
+. Place your cursor after the ending quotation mark. Enter a space after the
+last quotation mark and then enter the tab code from the list below. Add
+multiple tabs with a space separating them.
+For Example, to have Checkout, Checkin, Catalog Search, and a blank tab preset:
+"C:\Program Files\Evergreen Staff Client MVLC\evergreen.exe" -ilscheckout -ilscheckin -ilsurl XUL_OPAC_WRAPPER -ilstab
+. The following options are available:
+- -ILScheckin : Opens the Check In interface
+- -ILScheckout : Opens the Check Out interface
+- -ILSurl <url/constant> : Opens the specified page
+- -ILSnew : Opens a new "menu" window
+- -ILStab : Opens a new (default) tab
+- -ILSnew_default : Opens a new "menu" window with a guaranteed default tab
+- -ILSoffline/-ILSstandalone : Opens the standalone interface
+- -ILSlogin : Opens the login page
+.Useful Tab Codes
+ - -ilsurl XUL_PATRON_DISPLAY : Opens a Patron Search tab
+ - -ilsurl XUL_HOLD_PULL_LIST : Opens a Pull List tab
+ - -ilsurl XUL_HOLDS_BROWSER : Opens a Browse Holds Shelf tab
+ - -ilsurl XUL_OPAC_WRAPPER : Opens an Advanced Catalog search tab
+ - -ilsurl XUL_COPY_STATUS : Opens an Item status by barcode tab
+ - -ilsurl XUL_RECORD_BUCKETS : Opens a Manage Record Buckets tab
+ - -ilsurl XUL_COPY_BUCKETS : Opens a Manage Copy Buckets tab
+ - -ilsurl XUL_MARC_NEW : Opens a Create new MARC record tab
+ - -ilsurl XUL_Z3950_IMPORT : Opens an Import record from Z39.50 tab
+ - To open two windows, one with checkin and checkout, one with Marc and Z39.50, use:
+ +
+ -ilscheckin -ilscheckout -ilsnew -ilsurl XUL_MARC_NEW -ilsurl XUL_Z3950_IMPORT
+. You may want to rename your shortcut to reflect its purpose. For example, you
+could have one icon set to open circulation-related tabs and one icon to open
+cataloging-related tabs. Right-mouse click and select *Rename* to do this.
+Auto Login
+To use auto login, you will need to modify the *Evergreen shortcut* on your desktop. There are three new commands which are necessary for automatic login:
+- -ilsuser
+- -ilspassword
+- -ilshost
+You will need all three to have your client successfully login. To enable
+automatic login we need to modify the Evergreen shortcut on your desktop. If
+your shortcut already has preset tab commands, then place the automatic login
+commands after those commands.
+. First, if your workstation will have multiple logins (circ, cat, admin) you need to copy a shortcut for each. There are a couple of ways to do this.
+.. Right-mouse click and drag icon; upon release select *Create Shortcut Here*.
+.. Right-mouse click icon, select *Send to*, and select *Desktop (create shortcut)*.
+. Right-mouse click the new shortcut and select *Properties*.
+Listed in the *Target* box you will see something like the following path
+surrounded by quotation marks: "C:\Program Files\Evergreen Staff Client MVLC\evergreen.exe"
+. Place your cursor after the ending quotation mark and enter a space after the
+last quotation mark.
+.. After the space enter the login code for username followed by a space and
+the username +
+-ilsuser circuser
+.. Enter a space and then the login code for password followed by the password +
+-ilspassword circpass
+.. Finally, enter the login code for host followed by a space and the host
+address (this is the exact address which shows up in the Server Hostname box
+when you manually login to the client. +
+-ilshost evergreen.mvlcstaff.org
+When you double-click on the new shortcut it may seem like nothing is
+happening, but it really is! It takes the program a few moments to digest the
+new requests and to do the login.
Logging Out