// "Edit" menu item
new dijit.MenuItem({"id": "edit_" + auth.id, "onClick": function(){
- recId = this.id.slice(this.id.lastIndexOf('_') + 1);
- pcrud = new openils.PermaCrud();
- auth_rec = pcrud.retrieve("are", recId);
+ var pcrud = new openils.PermaCrud();
+ var auth_rec = pcrud.retrieve("are", auth.id);
if (auth_rec) {
loadMarcEditor(pcrud, auth_rec);
// "Merge" menu item
new dijit.MenuItem({"id": "merge_" + auth.id, "onClick":function(){
auth.text = '';
- recId = this.id.slice(this.id.lastIndexOf('_') + 1);
- dojo.query('#auth' + recId + ' span.text').forEach(function(node) {
+ dojo.query('#auth' + auth.id + ' span.text').forEach(function(node) {
auth.text += dojox.xml.parser.textContent(node);
mergeRole += 'Master</td>';
- dojo.place('<tr class="toMerge" id="toMerge_' + recId + '"><td>' + mergeRole + '</td><td style="border: 1px solid black;" id="mergeMeta_' + recId + '"></td><td style="border: 1px solid black; padding-left: 1em; padding-right: 1em;" >' + auth.text + '</td></tr>', 'mergebox-tbody', 'last');
- dojo.place('<span class="authmeta" style="font-family: monospace;">' + auth.name + ' ' + auth.ind1 + auth.ind2 + '</span>', 'mergeMeta_' + recId, 'last');
+ dojo.place('<tr class="toMerge" id="toMerge_' + auth.id + '"><td>' + mergeRole + '</td><td style="border: 1px solid black;" id="mergeMeta_' + auth.id + '"></td><td style="border: 1px solid black; padding-left: 1em; padding-right: 1em;" >' + auth.text + '</td></tr>', 'mergebox-tbody', 'last');
+ dojo.place('<span class="authmeta" style="font-family: monospace;">' + auth.name + ' ' + auth.ind1 + auth.ind2 + '</span>', 'mergeMeta_' + auth.id, 'last');
dojo.removeClass('mergebox-div', 'hidden');
}, "label":"Mark for Merge"}).placeAt(auth_menu, "last");
// "Delete" menu item
- new dijit.MenuItem({"id": "delete_" + auth.id, "onClick":function(){
- recId = this.id.slice(this.id.lastIndexOf('_') + 1);
- // Deleting an authority record is unusual; let's be 100% sure
- if (!confirm("Are you sure you want to delete record " + recId + "?")) {
- return;
- }
+ new dijit.MenuItem({
+ "id": "delete_" + auth.id,
+ "onClick":function(){
+ auth.text = '';
+ var pcrud = new openils.PermaCrud();
+ var auth_rec = pcrud.retrieve("are", auth.id);
+ // Bit of a hack to get the linked bib count until an explicit ID
+ var linkedBibs = dojox.xml.parser.textContent(
+ dojo.query("#authLabel" + auth.id)[0].previousSibling
+ );
+ var delDlg = dijit.byId("delDialog_" + auth.id);
+ dojo.query('#auth' + auth.id + ' span.text').forEach(function(node) {
+ auth.text += dojox.xml.parser.textContent(node);
+ });
+ if (!delDlg) {
+ delDlg = new dijit.Dialog({
+ "id":"delDialog_" + auth.id,
+ "title":"Confirm deletion of record # " + auth.id + " (" + auth.text + ") ",
+ "content":"<div id='delAuthSum_" + auth.id + "'>Number of linked bibliographic records: " + linkedBibs + "</div><hr />" +
+ marcToHTML(auth_rec.marc()) +
+ "<hr /><div><input type='button' dojoType='dijit.form.Button' label='Delete' onClick='confirmDelete(" + auth.id + ")'/><input type='button' dojoType='dijit.form.Button' label='Cancel' onClick='cancelDelete(" + auth.id + ")'/></div>"
+ });
+ }
+ delDlg.show();
- pcrud = new openils.PermaCrud();
- auth_rec = pcrud.retrieve("are", recId);
- if (auth_rec) {
- pcrud.eliminate(auth_rec);
- alert("Deleted authority record # " + recId);
- }
}, "label":"Delete"}).placeAt(auth_menu, "last");
auth_mb = new dijit.form.DropDownButton({dropDown: auth_menu, label:"Actions", id:"menu" + auth.id});
+function marcToHTML(marc) {
+ var html = '<table><tbody>';
+ marc = dojox.xml.parser.parse(marc);
+ dojo.query('leader', marc).forEach(function(node) {
+ html += '<tr><td>LDR</td><td> </td><td> </td><td>' + dojox.xml.parser.textContent(node) + '</td></tr>';
+ });
+ dojo.query('controlfield', marc).forEach(function(node) {
+ html += '<tr><td>' + dojo.attr(node, "tag") + '</td><td> </td><td> </td><td>' + dojox.xml.parser.textContent(node) + '</td></tr>';
+ });
+ dojo.query('datafield', marc).forEach(function(node) {
+ var cnt = 0;
+ html += '<tr><td>' + dojo.attr(node, "tag") + '</td><td>' + dojo.attr(node, "ind1") + '</td><td>' + dojo.attr(node, "ind2") + '</td>';
+ dojo.query('subfield', node).forEach(function(sf) {
+ if (cnt == 0) {
+ html += '<td>$' + dojo.attr(sf, "code") + ' ' + dojox.xml.parser.textContent(sf) + '</td></tr>';
+ cnt = 1;
+ } else {
+ html += '<tr><td colspan="3"></td><td>$' + dojo.attr(sf, "code") + ' ' + dojox.xml.parser.textContent(sf) + '</td></tr>';
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ html += '</tbody></table>';
+ return html;
+function cancelDelete(recId) {
+ dijit.byId("delDialog_" + recId).hide();
+function confirmDelete(recId) {
+ var pcrud = new openils.PermaCrud();
+ var auth_rec = pcrud.retrieve("are", recId);
+ if (auth_rec) {
+ pcrud.eliminate(auth_rec);
+ dijit.byId("delDialog_" + recId).attr("content", "Deleted authority record # " + recId);
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ dijit.byId("delDialog_" + recId).hide();
+ }, 3000);
+ }
function showBibCount(authIds) {