# backdate the circ if necessary
if($self->backdate) {
- $self->checkin_handle_backdate;
- return if $self->bail_out;
+ my $evt = $self->checkin_handle_backdate;
+ return $self->bail_on_events($evt) if $evt;
if($self->void_overdues) {
sub checkin_handle_backdate {
my $self = shift;
- my $bd = cleanse_ISO8601($self->backdate);
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# clean up the backdate for date comparison
- # we want any bills created on or after the backdate
+ # XXX We are currently taking the due-time from the original due-date,
+ # not the input. Do we need to do this? This certainly interferes with
+ # backdating of hourly checkouts, but that is likely a very rare case.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ my $bd = cleanse_ISO8601($self->backdate);
my $original_date = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->new->parse_datetime(cleanse_ISO8601($self->circ->due_date));
my $new_date = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->new->parse_datetime($bd);
$bd = cleanse_ISO8601($new_date->ymd . 'T' . $original_date->strftime('%T%z'));
- my $bills = $self->editor->search_money_billing(
- {
- billing_ts => { '>=' => $bd },
- xact => $self->circ->id,
- btype => 1
- }
- );
- $logger->debug("backdate found ".scalar(@$bills)." bills to void");
- for my $bill (@$bills) {
- unless( $U->is_true($bill->voided) ) {
- $logger->info("backdate voiding bill ".$bill->id);
- $bill->voided('t');
- $bill->void_time('now');
- $bill->voider($self->editor->requestor->id);
- my $n = $bill->note || "";
- $bill->note("$n\nSystem: VOIDED FOR BACKDATE");
+ my $evt = OpenILS::Application::Circ::CircCommon->void_overdues($self->editor, $self->circ, $bd);
+ return $evt if $evt;
- $self->bail_on_events($self->editor->event)
- unless $self->editor->update_money_billing($bill);
- }
- }
+ return undef;