currentMatchedRecords = recs;
+ var cls = 'bre';
+ if (currentType == 'auth') {
+ cls = 'are';
+ // When fetching authority records from matches, we
+ // only fetch one instance of each record, even though
+ // it may be used by multiple matches. Modify the
+ // array of records so that each match has a
+ // corresponding authority record in the list.
+ var new_recs = [];
+ dojo.forEach(matches, function(match) {
+ var rec = recs.filter(function(r) {
+ return == match.eg_record() })[0];
+ new_recs.push(rec);
+ });
+ recs = new_recs;
+ }
// build the data store of records with match information
- var dataStore = bre.toStoreData(recs, null,
+ var dataStore = fieldmapper[cls].toStoreData(recs, null,
{virtualFields:['_id', 'match_score', 'match_quality', 'rec_quality']});
dataStore.identifier = '_id';