if ( $fine_interval == 0 || int($c->$recurring_fine_method * 100) == 0 || int($c->max_fine * 100) == 0 ) {
$client->respond( "Fine Generator skipping circ due to 0 fine interval, 0 fine rate, or 0 max fine.\n" );
$log->info( "Fine Generator skipping circ " . $c->id . " due to 0 fine interval, 0 fine rate, or 0 max fine." );
- next;
+ return;
if ( $is_reservation and $fine_interval >= interval_to_seconds('1d') ) {
$grace_period = OpenILS::Application::Circ::CircCommon->extend_grace_period($c->$circ_lib_method->to_fieldmapper->id,$c->$due_date_method,$grace_period,undef,$hoo{$c->$circ_lib_method});
- next if ($last_fine > $now);
+ return if ($last_fine > $now);
# Generate fines for each past interval, including the one we are inside
my $pending_fine_count = ceil( ($now - $last_fine) / $fine_interval );
) {
$client->respond( "Still inside grace period of: ". seconds_to_interval( $grace_period )."\n" );
$log->info( "Circ ".$c->id." is still inside grace period of: $grace_period [". seconds_to_interval( $grace_period ).']' );
- next;
+ return;
$client->respond( "\t$pending_fine_count pending fine(s)\n" );
- next unless ($pending_fine_count);
+ return unless ($pending_fine_count);
my $recurring_fine = int($c->$recurring_fine_method * 100);
my $max_fine = int($c->max_fine * 100);
my $dow_close = "dow_${dow}_close";
if (my $h = $hoo{$c->$circ_lib_method}) {
- next if ( $h->$dow_open eq '00:00:00' and $h->$dow_close eq '00:00:00');
+ return if ( $h->$dow_open eq '00:00:00' and $h->$dow_close eq '00:00:00');
my @cl = actor::org_unit::closed_date->search_where(
close_end => { '>=' => $timestamptz },
org_unit => $c->$circ_lib_method }
- next if (@cl);
+ return if (@cl);
# The billing amount for this billing normally ought to be the recurring fine amount.