-# Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Equinox Software, Inc.
-# Author: Bill Erickson <erickson@esilibrary.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Equinox Software, Inc.
+# Copyright (C) 2014 King County Library System
+# Author: Bill Erickson <berickxx@gmail.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
-use strict; use warnings;
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
+# Sends MARC records, either from a file or from data delivered
+# via the network, to open-ils.vandelay to be imported.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
+use strict;
+use warnings;
use Net::Server::PreFork;
use base qw/Net::Server::PreFork/;
+require 'oils_header.pl';
+use vars qw/$apputils $authtoken/;
+use Getopt::Long;
use MARC::Record;
use MARC::Batch;
-use MARC::File::XML ( BinaryEncoding => 'UTF-8' );
+use MARC::File::XML (BinaryEncoding => 'UTF-8');
use MARC::File::USMARC;
-use Data::Dumper;
use File::Basename qw/fileparse/;
use File::Temp qw/tempfile/;
-use Getopt::Long qw(:DEFAULT GetOptionsFromArray);
-use Pod::Usage;
-use Socket;
-use OpenSRF::Utils::Logger qw/$logger/;
use OpenSRF::AppSession;
-use OpenSRF::EX qw/:try/;
-use OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript;
+use OpenSRF::Utils::Logger qw/$logger/;
use OpenSRF::Transport::PeerHandle;
-require 'oils_header.pl';
-use vars qw/$apputils/;
-my $vl_ses;
-my $debug = 0;
-my %defaults = (
- 'buffsize=i' => 4096,
- 'merge-profile=i' => 0,
- 'source=i' => 1,
-# 'osrf-config=s' => '/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml',
- 'user=s' => 'admin',
- 'password=s' => '',
- 'tempdir=s' => '',
- 'spoolfile=s' => '',
- 'nolockfile' => 1,
- 'queue=i' => 1,
- 'noqueue' => 0,
- 'nodaemon' => 0,
- 'wait=i' => 5,
- 'import-by-queue' => 0,
- 'import-no-match' => 0,
- 'auto-overlay-exact' => 0,
- 'auto-overlay-1match' => 0,
- 'auto-overlay-best-match' => 0
+use OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient;
+use Data::Dumper;
+$Data::Dumper::Indent=0; # for logging
+# This script will always be an entry point for opensrf,
+# so go ahead and force log client.
+# these are updated with each new batch of records
+my $cur_rec_type;
+my $cur_rec_source;
+my $cur_queue;
+# cache these
+my $cur_merge_profile; # this is an object
+my $bib_merge_profile_obj;
+my $auth_merge_profile_obj;
+# options
+my $help = 0;
+my $osrf_config = '/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml';
+my $username = '';
+my $password = '';
+my $tempdir = '';
+my $spoolfile = '';
+my $wait_time = 5;
+my $verbose = 0;
+my $bib_merge_profile;
+my $auth_merge_profile;
+my $bib_queue;
+my $auth_queue;
+my $bib_source;
+my $auth_source;
+my $port;
+my $bib_import_no_match;
+my $bib_auto_overlay_exact;
+my $bib_auto_overlay_1match;
+my $bib_auto_overlay_best_match;
+my $auth_import_no_match;
+my $auth_auto_overlay_exact;
+my $auth_auto_overlay_1match;
+my $auth_auto_overlay_best_match;
+# deprecated options; these map to their bib_* equivalents
+my $import_no_match;
+my $auto_overlay_exact;
+my $auto_overlay_1match;
+my $auto_overlay_best_match;
+my $net_server_conf = fileparse($0, '.pl').'.conf';
+ 'osrf-config=s' => \$osrf_config,
+ 'verbose' => \$verbose,
+ 'username=s' => \$username,
+ 'password=s' => \$password,
+ 'tempdir=s' => \$tempdir,
+ 'spoolfile=s' => \$spoolfile,
+ 'wait=i' => \$wait_time,
+ 'merge-profile=i' => \$bib_merge_profile,
+ 'queue=i' => \$bib_queue,
+ 'source=i' => \$bib_source,
+ 'auth-merge-profile=i' => \$auth_merge_profile,
+ 'auth-queue=i' => \$auth_queue,
+ 'auth-source=i' => \$auth_source,
+ # -- deprecated
+ 'import-no-match' => \$import_no_match,
+ 'auto-overlay-exact' => \$auto_overlay_exact,
+ 'auto-overlay-1match' => \$auto_overlay_1match,
+ 'auto-overlay-best-match' => \$auto_overlay_best_match,
+ # --
+ 'bib-import-no-match' => \$bib_import_no_match,
+ 'bib-auto-overlay-exact' => \$bib_auto_overlay_exact,
+ 'bib-auto-overlay-1match' => \$bib_auto_overlay_1match,
+ 'bib-auto-overlay-best-match' => \$bib_auto_overlay_best_match,
+ 'auth-import-no-match' => \$auth_import_no_match,
+ 'auth-auto-overlay-exact' => \$auth_auto_overlay_exact,
+ 'auth-auto-overlay-1match' => \$auth_auto_overlay_1match,
+ 'auth-auto-overlay-best-match' => \$auth_auto_overlay_best_match,
+ 'help' => \$help,
+ 'net-server-config=s' => \$net_server_conf,
+ 'port=i' => \$port
-$OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript::debug=1 if $debug;
-$Getopt::Long::debug=1 if $debug > 1;
-my $o = OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript->new(\%defaults);
+sub usage {
+ print <<USAGE;
+ --osrf-config
+ Path to OpenSRF configuration file.
+ --net-server-conf
+ Path to Net::Server configuration file. Defaults to $net_server_conf.
+ Only required if --spoolfile is not set.
+ --verbose
+ Log additional details
+ --username
+ Evergreen user account which performs the import actions.
+ --password
+ Evergreen user account password
+ --tempdir
+ MARC data received via the network is stored in a temporary
+ file so Vandelay can access it. This must be a directory
+ the open-ils.vandelay service can access. If you want the
+ file deleted after completion, be sure open-ils.vandelay
+ has write access to the directory and the file.
+ This value defaults to the Vandelay data directory, however
+ this configuratoin value is only accessible when run from
+ the private opensrf domain, which you may not want to do.
+ --spoolfile
+ Path to a MARC file to load. When a --spoolfile is specified,
+ this script will send the file to vandelay for processing,
+ then exit when complete. In other words, it does not stay
+ alive to accept requests from the network.
+ --wait
+ Amount of time in seconds this script will wait after receiving
+ a connection on the socket and before recieving a complete
+ MARC record. This prevents unintentional denial of service by
+ clients connecting and never sending anything.
+ --merge-profile
+ ID of the vandelay bib record merge profile
+ --queue
+ ID of the vandelay bib record queue
+ --source
+ ID of the bib source
+ --auth-merge-profile
+ ID of the vandelay authority record merge profile
+ --auth-queue
+ ID of the vandelay authority record queue
+ --auth-source
+ ID of the bib source for authority records
+ --bib-import-no-match
+ --bib-auto-overlay-exact
+ --bib-auto-overlay-1match
+ --bib-auto-overlay-best-match
+ --auth-import-no-match
+ --auth-auto-overlay-exact
+ --auth-auto-overlay-1match
+ --auth-auto-overlay-best-match
+ Bib and auth import options which map directly to Vandelay import
+ options.
+ For example:
+ Apply import-no-match to bibs and auto-overlay-exact to auths.
+ $0 --bib-import-no-match --auth-auto-overlay-exact
+ --help
+ Show this help message
+ exit;
-my @script_args = ();
+usage() if $help;
-if (grep {$_ eq '--'} @ARGV) {
- print "Splitting options into groups\n" if $debug;
- while (@ARGV) {
- $_ = shift @ARGV;
- $_ eq '--' and last; # stop at the first --
- push @script_args, $_;
- }
-} else {
- @script_args = @ARGV;
- @ARGV = ();
+if ($import_no_match) {
+ warn "\nimport-no-match is deprecated; use bib-import-no-match\n";
+ $bib_import_no_match = $import_no_match;
-print "Calling MyGetOptions ",
- (@script_args ? "with options: " . join(' ', @script_args) : 'without options from command line'),
- "\n" if $debug;
-my $real_opts = $o->MyGetOptions(\@script_args);
-# GetOptionsFromArray(\@script_args, \%defaults, %defaults); # similar to
-$real_opts->{tempdir} ||= tempdir_setting(); # This doesn't go in defaults because it reads config, must come after bootstrap
-my $bufsize = $real_opts->{buffsize};
-my $bib_source = $real_opts->{source};
-my $osrf_config = $real_opts->{'osrf-config'};
-my $oils_username = $real_opts->{user};
-my $oils_password = $real_opts->{password};
-my $help = $real_opts->{help};
-my $merge_profile = $real_opts->{'merge-profile'};
-my $queue_id = $real_opts->{queue};
-my $tempdir = $real_opts->{tempdir};
-my $import_by_queue = $real_opts->{'import-by-queue'};
- $debug += $real_opts->{debug};
-foreach (keys %$real_opts) {
- print("real_opt->{$_} = ", $real_opts->{$_}, "\n") if $real_opts->{debug} or $debug;
+if ($auto_overlay_exact) {
+ warn "\nauto-overlay-exact is deprecated; use bib-auto-overlay-exact\n";
+ $bib_auto_overlay_exact = $auto_overlay_exact;
-my $wait_time = $real_opts->{wait};
-my $authtoken = '';
-# DEFAULTS for Net::Server
-my $filename = fileparse($0, '.pl');
-my $conf_file = (-r "$filename.conf") ? "$filename.conf" : undef;
-# $conf_file is the Net::Server config for THIS script (not EG), if it exists and is readable
-pod2usage(1) if $help;
-unless ($oils_password) {
- print STDERR "\nERROR: password option required for session login\n\n";
- # pod2usage(1);
+if ($auto_overlay_1match) {
+ warn "\nauto-overlay-1match is deprecated; use bib-auto-overlay-1match\n";
+ $bib_auto_overlay_1match = $auto_overlay_1match;
+if ($auto_overlay_best_match) {
+ warn "\nauto-overlay-best-match is deprecated; use bib-auto-overlay-best-match\n";
+ $bib_auto_overlay_best_match = $auto_overlay_best_match;
-print Dumper($o) if $debug;
+die "--username AND --password required. --help for more info.\n"
+ unless $username and $password;
+die "--bib-queue OR --auth-queue required. --help for more info.\n"
+ unless $bib_queue or $auth_queue;
-if ($debug) {
- foreach my $ref (qw/bufsize bib_source osrf_config oils_username oils_password help conf_file debug/) {
- no strict 'refs';
- printf "%16s => %s\n", $ref, (eval("\$$ref") || '');
- }
+sub set_tempdir {
+ return if $tempdir; # already read or user provided
+ $tempdir = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new->config_value(
+ qw/apps open-ils.vandelay app_settings databases importer/
+ ) || '/tmp';
-print warning();
-print Dumper($real_opts);
+# Sets cur_rec_type to 'auth' if leader/06 of the first
+# parseable record is 'z', otherwise 'bib'.
+sub set_record_type {
+ my $file_name = shift;
+ my $marctype = 'USMARC';
+ open(F, $file_name) or
+ die "Unable to open MARC file $file_name : $!\n";
+ $marctype = 'XML' if (getc(F) =~ /^\D/o);
+ close F;
-sub tempdir_setting {
- my $ret = $apputils->simplereq( qw# opensrf.settings opensrf.settings.xpath.get
- /opensrf/default/apps/open-ils.vandelay/app_settings/databases/importer # );
- return $ret->[0] || '/tmp';
+ my $batch = new MARC::Batch ($marctype, $file_name);
+ $batch->strict_off;
-sub warning {
- return <<WARNING;
+ my $rec;
+ my $ldr_06 = '';
+ while (1) {
+ eval {$rec = $batch->next};
+ next if $@; # record parse failure
+ last unless $rec;
+ $ldr_06 = substr($rec->leader(), 6, 1) || '';
+ last;
+ }
-WARNING: This script provides no security layer. Any client that has
-access to the server+port can inject MARC records into the system.
+ $cur_rec_type = $ldr_06 eq 'z' ? 'auth' : 'bib';
+ $cur_queue = $cur_rec_type eq 'auth' ? $auth_queue : $bib_queue;
+ $cur_rec_source = $cur_rec_type eq 'auth' ? $auth_source : $bib_source;
+ set_merge_profile();
-sub xml_import {
- return $apputils->simplereq(
- 'open-ils.cat',
- 'open-ils.cat.biblio.record.xml.import',
- @_
- );
+# set vandelay options based on command line ops and the type of record
+# currently in process.
+sub compile_vandelay_ops {
-sub old_process_batch_data {
- my $data = shift or $logger->error("process_batch_data called without any data");
- my $isfile = shift;
- $data or return;
+ my $vl_ops = {
+ report_all => 1,
+ merge_profile => $cur_merge_profile ? $cur_merge_profile->id : undef
+ };
- my $handle;
- if ($isfile) {
- $handle = $data;
+ if ($cur_rec_type eq 'auth') {
+ $vl_ops->{import_no_match} = $auth_import_no_match;
+ $vl_ops->{auto_overlay_exact} = $auth_auto_overlay_exact;
+ $vl_ops->{auto_overlay_1match} = $auth_auto_overlay_1match;
+ $vl_ops->{auto_overlay_best_match} = $auth_auto_overlay_best_match;
} else {
- open $handle, '<', \$data;
+ $vl_ops->{import_no_match} = $bib_import_no_match;
+ $vl_ops->{auto_overlay_exact} = $bib_auto_overlay_exact;
+ $vl_ops->{auto_overlay_1match} = $bib_auto_overlay_1match;
+ $vl_ops->{auto_overlay_best_match} = $bib_auto_overlay_best_match;
- my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC', $handle);
- $batch->strict_off;
- my $index = 0;
- my $imported = 0;
- my $failed = 0;
- while (1) {
- my $rec;
- $index++;
- eval { $rec = $batch->next; };
- if ($@) {
- $logger->error("Failed parsing MARC record $index");
- $failed++;
- next;
- }
- last unless $rec; # The only way out
- my $resp = xml_import($authtoken, $rec->as_xml_record, $bib_source);
- # has the session timed out?
- if (oils_event_equals($resp, 'NO_SESSION')) {
- new_auth_token();
- $resp = xml_import($authtoken, $rec->as_xml_record, $bib_source); # try again w/ new token
- }
- oils_event_die($resp);
- $imported++;
- }
+ # Default to exact match only if not other strategy is selected.
+ $vl_ops->{auto_overlay_exact} = 1
+ if not (
+ $vl_ops->{auto_overlay_1match} or
+ $vl_ops->{auto_overlay_best_match}
+ );
- return ($imported, $failed);
+ $logger->info("VL options: ".Dumper($vl_ops)) if $verbose;
+ return $vl_ops;
-sub process_spool { # filename
- my $marcfile = shift;
- my @rec_ids;
+sub process_spool {
+ my $file_name = shift; # filename
- if($import_by_queue) {
+ set_record_type($file_name);
- # don't collect the record IDs, just spool the queue
- $apputils->simplereq(
- 'open-ils.vandelay',
- 'open-ils.vandelay.bib.process_spool',
- $authtoken,
- undef,
- $queue_id,
- 'import',
- $marcfile,
- $bib_source
- );
- } else {
- # collect the newly queued record IDs for processing
+ my $ses = OpenSRF::AppSession->create('open-ils.vandelay');
+ my $req = $ses->request(
+ "open-ils.vandelay.$cur_rec_type.process_spool.stream_results",
+ $authtoken, undef, # cache key not needed
+ $cur_queue, 'import', $file_name, $cur_rec_source
+ );
- my $req = $vl_ses->request(
- 'open-ils.vandelay.bib.process_spool.stream_results',
- $authtoken,
- undef, # cache key not needed
- $queue_id,
- 'import',
- $marcfile,
- $bib_source
- );
- while(my $resp = $req->recv) {
+ my @rec_ids;
+ while(my $resp = $req->recv) {
- if($req->failed) {
- $logger->error("Error spooling MARC data: $resp");
+ if($req->failed) {
+ $logger->error("Error spooling MARC data: $resp");
- } elsif($resp->content) {
- push(@rec_ids, $resp->content);
- }
+ } elsif($resp->content) {
+ push(@rec_ids, $resp->content);
return \@rec_ids;
-sub bib_queue_import {
+sub import_queued_records {
my $rec_ids = shift;
- my $extra = {report_all => 1};
- $extra->{merge_profile} = $merge_profile if $merge_profile;
- $extra->{import_no_match} = 1 if $real_opts->{'import-no-match'};
- $extra->{auto_overlay_1match} = 1 if $real_opts->{'auto-overlay-1match'};
- $extra->{auto_overlay_best_match} = 1 if $real_opts->{'auto-overlay-best-match'};
- # default to exact match if no strategy is chosen
- $extra->{auto_overlay_exact} = 1
- if $real_opts->{'auto-overlay-exact'} or
- not ($extra->{auto_overlay_1match} or $extra->{auto_overlay_best_match});
- my $req;
- my @cleanup_recs;
- if($import_by_queue) {
- # import by queue
- $req = $vl_ses->request(
- 'open-ils.vandelay.bib_queue.import',
- $authtoken,
- $queue_id,
- $extra
- );
+ my $vl_ops = compile_vandelay_ops();
- } else {
- # import explicit record IDs
- $req = $vl_ses->request(
- 'open-ils.vandelay.bib_record.list.import',
- $authtoken,
- $rec_ids,
- $extra
- );
- }
+ my $ses = OpenSRF::AppSession->create('open-ils.vandelay');
+ my $req = $ses->request(
+ "open-ils.vandelay.${cur_rec_type}_record.list.import",
+ $authtoken, $rec_ids, $vl_ops
+ );
# collect the successfully imported vandelay records
my $failed = 0;
+ my @cleanup_recs;
while(my $resp = $req->recv) {
if($req->failed) {
$logger->error("Error importing MARC data: $resp");
my $err;
foreach (@cleanup_recs) {
- try {
- $pcrud->request('open-ils.pcrud.delete.vqbr', $authtoken, $_)->recv;
- } catch Error with {
- $err = shift;
- $logger->error("Error deleteing queued bib record $_: $err");
+ eval {
+ $pcrud->request(
+ 'open-ils.pcrud.delete.vqbr', $authtoken, $_)->recv;
+ if ($@) {
+ $logger->error("Error deleteing queued bib record $_: $@");
+ last;
+ }
$pcrud->request('open-ils.pcrud.transaction.commit', $authtoken)->recv unless $err;
return (scalar(@cleanup_recs), $failed);
-sub process_batch_data {
- my $data = shift or $logger->error("process_batch_data called without any data");
- my $isfile = shift;
- $data or return;
- $vl_ses = OpenSRF::AppSession->create('open-ils.vandelay');
- my ($handle, $tempfile);
- if (!$isfile) {
- ($handle, $tempfile) = tempfile("$0_XXXX", DIR => $tempdir) or die "Cannot write tempfile in $tempdir";
- print $handle $data;
- close $handle;
- } else {
- $tempfile = $data;
- }
- $logger->info("Calling process_spool on tempfile $tempfile (queue: $queue_id; source: $bib_source)");
- my $rec_ids = process_spool($tempfile);
- if (oils_event_equals($rec_ids, 'NO_SESSION')) { # has the session timed out?
- new_auth_token();
- $rec_ids = process_spool($tempfile); # try again w/ new token
- }
- my ($imported, $failed) = bib_queue_import($rec_ids);
- if (oils_event_equals($imported, 'NO_SESSION')) { # has the session timed out?
- new_auth_token();
- ($imported, $failed) = bib_queue_import(); # try again w/ new token
- }
- oils_event_die($imported);
- return ($imported, $failed);
+# Each child needs its own opensrf connection.
+sub child_init_hook {
+ OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client(config_file => $osrf_config);
+ Fieldmapper->import(IDL =>
+ OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new->config_value("IDL"));
-sub process_request { # The core Net::Server method
+# The core Net::Server method
+# Reads streams of MARC data from the network, saves the data as a file,
+# then processes the file via vandelay.
+sub process_request {
my $self = shift;
- my $client = $self->{server}->{client};
+ my $client = $self->{server}->{peeraddr}.':'.$self->{server}->{peerport};
- my $sockname = getpeername($client);
- my ($port, $ip_addr) = unpack_sockaddr_in($sockname);
- $logger->info("stream parser received contact from ".inet_ntoa($ip_addr));
+ $logger->info("$client opened a new connection");
my $ph = OpenSRF::Transport::PeerHandle->retrieve;
if(!$ph->flush_socket()) {
- $logger->error("We received a request, bu we are no longer connected to opensrf. ".
- "Exiting and dropping request from $client");
+ $logger->error("We received a request, but we are no longer connected".
+ " to opensrf. Exiting and dropping request from $client");
$logger->info("stream parser read " . length($data) . " bytes");
- my ($imported, $failed) = (0, 0);
+ set_tempdir();
- new_auth_token(); # login
+ # copy data to a temporary file so vandelay can scoop it up
+ my ($handle, $tempfile) = tempfile("$0_XXXX", DIR => $tempdir)
+ or die "Cannot create tempfile in $tempdir : $!";
- if ($real_opts->{noqueue}) {
- ($imported, $failed) = old_process_batch_data($data);
- } else {
- ($imported, $failed) = process_batch_data($data);
- }
+ print $handle $data or die "Error writing to tempfile $tempfile : $!\n";
+ close $handle;
- my $profile = (!$merge_profile) ? '' :
- $apputils->simplereq(
- 'open-ils.pcrud',
- 'open-ils.pcrud.retrieve.vmp',
- $authtoken,
- $merge_profile)->name;
+ process_file($tempfile);
- my $msg = '';
- $msg .= "Successfully imported $imported records using merge profile '$profile'\n" if $imported;
- $msg .= "Failed to import $failed records\n" if $failed;
- $msg .= "\x00";
- print $client $msg;
+sub set_merge_profile {
- clear_auth_token(); # logout
+ # serve from cache
-sub standalone_process_request { # The command line version
- my $file = shift;
+ return $cur_merge_profile = $bib_merge_profile_obj
+ if $bib_merge_profile_obj and $cur_rec_type eq 'bib';
+ return $cur_merge_profile = $auth_merge_profile_obj
+ if $auth_merge_profile_obj and $cur_rec_type eq 'auth';
+ # fetch un-cached profile
- $logger->info("stream parser received file processing request for $file");
+ my $profile_id = $cur_rec_type eq 'bib' ?
+ $bib_merge_profile : $auth_merge_profile;
- my $ph = OpenSRF::Transport::PeerHandle->retrieve;
- if(!$ph->flush_socket()) {
- $logger->error("We received a request, bu we are no longer connected to opensrf. ".
- "Exiting and dropping request for $file");
- exit;
- }
+ return $cur_merge_profile = undef unless $profile_id;
- my ($imported, $failed) = (0, 0);
+ $cur_merge_profile = $apputils->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.pcrud',
+ 'open-ils.pcrud.retrieve.vmp',
+ $authtoken, $profile_id);
+ # cache profile for later
+ $auth_merge_profile_obj = $cur_merge_profile if $cur_rec_type eq 'auth';
+ $bib_merge_profile_obj = $cur_merge_profile if $cur_rec_type eq 'bib';
+sub process_file {
+ my $file = shift;
new_auth_token(); # login
+ my $rec_ids = process_spool($file);
+ my ($imported, $failed) = import_queued_records($rec_ids);
- if ($real_opts->{noqueue}) {
- ($imported, $failed) = old_process_batch_data($file, 1);
- } else {
- ($imported, $failed) = process_batch_data($file, 1);
+ if (oils_event_equals($imported, 'NO_SESSION')) {
+ # did the session expire while spooling?
+ new_auth_token(); # retry with new authtoken
+ ($imported, $failed) = import_queued_records($rec_ids);
- my $profile = (!$merge_profile) ? '' :
- $apputils->simplereq(
- 'open-ils.pcrud',
- 'open-ils.pcrud.retrieve.vmp',
- $authtoken,
- $merge_profile)->name;
+ oils_event_die($imported);
+ my $profile = $cur_merge_profile ? $cur_merge_profile->name : '';
my $msg = '';
- $msg .= "Successfully imported $imported records using merge profile '$profile'\n" if $imported;
- $msg .= "Failed to import $failed records\n" if $failed;
+ $msg .= "Successfully imported $imported $cur_rec_type records ".
+ "using merge profile '$profile'\n" if $imported;
+ $msg .= "Failed to import $failed $cur_rec_type records\n" if $failed;
$msg .= "\x00";
print $msg;
clear_auth_token(); # logout
# the authtoken will timeout after the configured inactivity period.
# When that happens, get a new one.
sub new_auth_token {
- $authtoken = oils_login($oils_username, $oils_password, 'staff')
- or die "Unable to login to Evergreen as user $oils_username";
- return $authtoken;
+ oils_login($username, $password, 'staff')
+ or die "Unable to login to Evergreen as user $username";
sub clear_auth_token {
+ $authtoken = undef;
-##### MAIN ######
+# -- execution starts here
-if ($real_opts->{nodaemon}) {
- if (!$real_opts->{spoolfile}) {
- print " --nodaemon mode requested, but no --spoolfile supplied!\n";
- exit;
- }
- standalone_process_request($real_opts->{spoolfile});
-} else {
- print "Calling Net::Server run ", (@ARGV ? "with command-line options: " . join(' ', @ARGV) : ''), "\n";
- __PACKAGE__->run(conf_file => $conf_file);
-=head1 NAME
-marc_stream_importer.pl - Import MARC records via bare socket connection.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-./marc_stream_importer.pl [common opts ...] [script opts ...] -- [Net::Server opts ...] &
-This script uses the EG common options from B<Cronscript>. See --help output for those.
-Run C<perldoc marc_stream_importer.pl> for full documentation.
-Note the extra C<--> to separate options for the script wrapper from options for the
-underlying L<Net::Server> options.
-Note: this script has to be run in the same directory as B<oils_header.pl>.
-Typical server-style execution will include a trailing C<&> to run in the background.
-This script is a L<Net::Server::PreFork> instance for shoving records into Evergreen from a remote system.
-=head1 OPTIONS
-The only required option is --password
- --password =<eg_password>
- --user =<eg_username> default: admin
- --source =<bib_source> default: 1 Integer
- --merge-profile =<i> default: 0
- --tempdir =</temp/dir/> default: from L<opensrf.conf> <open-ils.vandelay/app_settings/databases/importer>
- --source =<i> default: 1
- --import-by-queue =<i> default: 0
- --spoolfile =<import_file> default: NONE File to import in --nodaemon mode
- --nodaemon default: OFF When used with --spoolfile, turns off Net::Server mode and runs this utility in the foreground
+if ($spoolfile) {
+ # individual files are processed in standalone mode.
+ # No Net::Server innards are necessary.
+ child_init_hook(); # force an opensrf connection
+ process_file($spoolfile);
+ exit;
-=head2 Old style: --noqueue and associated options
-To bypass vandelay queue processing and push directly into the database (as the old style)
- --noqueue default: OFF
- --buffsize =<i> default: 4096 Buffer size. Only used by --noqueue
- --wait =<i> default: 5 Seconds to read socket before processing. Only used by --noqueue
-=head2 Net::Server Options
-By default, the script will use the Net::Server configuration file B<marc_stream_importer.conf>. You can
-override this by passing a filepath with the --conf_file option.
-Other Net::Server options include: --port=<port> --min_servers=<X> --max_servers=<Y> and --log_file=[path/to/file]
-See L<Net::Server> for a complete list.
-=head2 Configuration
-=head3 OCLC Connexion
-To use this script with OCLC Connexion, configure the client as follows:
-Under Tools -> Options -> Export (tab)
- Create -> Choose Connection -> OK -> Leave translation at "None"
- -> Create -> Create -> choose TCP/IP (internet)
- -> Enter hostname and Port, leave 'Use Telnet Protocol' checked
- -> Create/OK your way out of the dialogs
- Record Characteristics (button) -> Choose 'UTF-8 Unicode' for the Character Set
-OCLC and Connexion are trademark/service marks of OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
+# No spoolfile, run in Net::Server mode
-=head1 CAVEATS
+warn <<WARNING;
-WARNING: This script provides no inherent security layer. Any client that has
+WARNING: This script provides no security layer. Any client that has
access to the server+port can inject MARC records into the system.
-Use the available options (like allow/deny) in the Net::Server config file
-or via the command line to restrict access as necessary.
-=head1 EXAMPLES
-./marc_stream_importer.pl \
- admin open-ils connexion --port 5555 --min_servers 2 \
- --max_servers=20 --log_file=/openils/var/log/marc_net_importer.log &
-./marc_stream_importer.pl \
- admin open-ils connexion --port 5555 --min_servers 2 \
- --max_servers=20 --log_file=/openils/var/log/marc_net_importer.log &
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Net::Server::PreFork>, L<marc_stream_importer.conf>
+my %args;
+$args{conf_file} = $net_server_conf if -r $net_server_conf;
+$args{port} = $port if $port;
-=head1 AUTHORS
- Bill Erickson <erickson@esilibrary.com>
- Joe Atzberger <jatzberger@esilibrary.com>
- Mike Rylander <miker@esilibrary.com> (nodaemon+spoolfile mode)