'push_xulG' : true,
'alt_print' : false,
'browser_id' : 'volume_pane',
- 'passthru_content_params' : xulG
+ 'passthru_content_params' : xulG,
+ 'on_url_load' : function() {
+ if ($('Create')) { // in horizontal UI variant
+ // Hide the Create button in the embedded volume creator
+ var f_content = get_contentWindow( $('volume_pane' ) );
+ var original_btn = f_content.document.getElementById('Create');
+ original_btn.hidden = true;
+ $('Create').setAttribute(
+ 'label',
+ $('catStrings').getString('staff.cat.volume_copy_creator.create.btn.label')
+ );
+ $('Create').setAttribute(
+ 'accesskey',
+ $('catStrings').getString('staff.cat.volume_copy_creator.create.btn.accesskey')
+ );
+ g.stash_and_close = function(p) {
+ // Wire up the method for the replacement button
+ f_content.g.stash_and_close(p);
+ }
+ }
+ }
<scripts id="openils_util_scripts"/>
+ <messagecatalog id="catStrings" src='/xul/server/locale/<!--#echo var="locale"-->/cat.properties'/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/xul/server/main/JSAN.js"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="volume_copy_editor.js"/>
<hbox id="bottom_bar"/>
+ <hbox>
+ <spacer flex="1"/>
+ <button id="Create" oncommand="g.stash_and_close('unified_interface');"/>
+ </hbox>