# m h dom mon dow command
# Run the hold targeter
-*/15 * * * * . ~/.bashrc && $EG_BIN_DIR/hold_targeter.pl $SRF_CORE
+*/15 * * * * . ~/.bashrc && $EG_BIN_DIR/hold_targeter.pl --osrf-config $SRF_CORE
# Run the hold thawer
5 0 * * * . ~/.bashrc && $EG_BIN_DIR/thaw_expired_frozen_holds.srfsh
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Usage:
-# hold_targeter.pl <config_file> <lock_file>
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
use strict;
use warnings;
-use OpenSRF::Utils::JSON;
+use Getopt::Long;
use OpenSRF::System;
+use OpenSRF::AppSession;
use OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient;
-use OpenSRF::MultiSession;
-use OpenSRF::EX qw(:try);
+use OpenILS::Utils::Fieldmapper;
+# Batch hold (re)targeter
+# Usage:
+# ./hold_targeter.pl /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml
+my $help;
+my $osrf_config = '/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml';
+my $lockfile = '/tmp/hold_targeter-LOCK';
+my $parallel = 0;
+my $verbose = 0;
+my $retarget_interval;
+my $soft_retarget_interval;
+my $next_check_interval;
+my $recv_timeout = 3600;
+my $parallel_init_sleep = 0;
+# how often the server sends a summary reply per backend.
+my $return_throttle = 500;
+ 'help' => \$help,
+ 'osrf-config=s' => \$osrf_config,
+ 'lockfile=s' => \$lockfile,
+ 'parallel=i' => \$parallel,
+ 'verbose' => \$verbose,
+ 'parallel-init-sleep=i' => \$parallel_init_sleep,
+ 'retarget-interval=s' => \$retarget_interval,
+ 'next-check-interval=s' => \$next_check_interval,
+ 'soft-retarget-interval=s' => \$soft_retarget_interval,
+) || die "\nSee --help for more\n";
+sub help {
+ print <<HELP;
+Batch hold targeter.
+$0 \
+ --osrf-config /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml \
+ --lockfile /tmp/hold_targeter-LOCK \
+ --parallel 3
+ --verbose
+General Options
+ --osrf-config [/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml]
+ OpenSRF config file.
+ --lockfile [/tmp/hold_targeter-LOCK]
+ Full path to lock file
+ --verbose
+ Print process counts
-my $config = shift || die "bootstrap config required\n";
-my $lockfile = shift || "/tmp/hold_targeter-LOCK";
+Targeting Options
-if (-e $lockfile) {
- die "I seem to be running already. If not remove $lockfile, try again\n";
+ --parallel <parallel-process-count>
+ Number of parallel hold processors to run. This overrides any
+ value found in opensrf.xml
+ --parallel-init-sleep <seconds=0>
+ Number of seconds to wait before starting each subsequent
+ parallel targeter instance. This gives each targeter backend
+ time to run the large targetable holds query before the next
+ kicks off, so they don't all hit the database at once.
+ Defaults to no sleep.
+ --soft-retarget-interval
+ Holds whose previous check time sits between the
+ --soft-retarget-interval and the --retarget-interval are
+ treated like this:
+ 1. The list of potential copies is updated for all matching holds.
+ 2. Holds that have a viable target are otherwise left untouched,
+ including their prev_check_time.
+ 3. Holds with no viable target are fully retargeted.
+ --next-check-interval
+ Specify how long after the current run time the targeter will
+ retarget the currently affected holds. Applying a specific
+ interval is useful when the retarget_interval is shorter than
+ the time between targeter runs.
+ This value is used to determine if an org unit will be closed
+ during the next iteration of the targeter. It overrides the
+ default behavior of calculating the next retarget time from the
+ retarget-interval.
+ --retarget-interval
+ Retarget holds whose previous check time occured before the
+ requested interval.
+ Overrides the 'circ.holds.retarget_interval' global_flag value.
+ exit(0);
-open(F, ">$lockfile");
-print F $$;
-close F;
-my $settings;
-my $parallel;
-try {
- OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client( config_file => $config );
- $settings = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new;
- $parallel = $settings->config_value( hold_targeter => 'parallel' ) || 1;
-} otherwise {
- my $e = shift;
- warn "$e\n";
- unlink $lockfile;
- exit 1;
+help() if $help;
+sub init {
-if ($parallel == 1) {
- try {
- my $r = OpenSRF::AppSession
- ->create( 'open-ils.storage' )
- ->request( 'open-ils.storage.action.hold_request.copy_targeter' => '24h' );
- while (!$r->complete) {
- my $start = time;
- $r->recv(timeout => 3600);
- last if (time() - $start) >= 3600;
- };
- } otherwise {
- my $e = shift;
- warn "Failure in single-session targeter:\n$e\n";
- };
-} else {
- try {
- my $multi_targeter = OpenSRF::MultiSession->new(
- app => 'open-ils.storage',
- cap => $parallel,
- api_level => 1,
- session_hash_function => sub {
- my $ses = shift;
- my $req = shift;
- return $_[-1]; # last parameter is the ID of the metarecord associated with the
- # request's target; using this as the hash function value ensures
- # that parallel targeters won't try to simultaneously handle two
- # hold requests that have overlapping pools of copies that could
- # fill those requests
+ OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client(config_file => $osrf_config);
+ Fieldmapper->import(
+ IDL => OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new->config_value("IDL"));
+ if (!$parallel) {
+ my $settings = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new;
+ $parallel = $settings->config_value(hold_targeter => 'parallel') || 1;
+ }
+sub run_batches {
+ # Hanging all of the parallel requests off the same app session
+ # lets us operate the same as a MultiSession batch with additional
+ # fine-grained controls over the receive timeout and real-time
+ # response handling.
+ my $ses = OpenSRF::AppSession->create('open-ils.hold-targeter');
+ my @reqs;
+ for my $slot (1..$parallel) {
+ if ($slot > 1 && $parallel_init_sleep) {
+ $verbose && print "Sleeping $parallel_init_sleep ".
+ "seconds before targeter slot=$slot launch\n";
+ sleep $parallel_init_sleep;
+ }
+ $verbose && print "Starting targeter slot=$slot\n";
+ my $req = $ses->request(
+ 'open-ils.hold-targeter.target', {
+ return_count => 1,
+ return_throttle => $return_throttle,
+ parallel_count => $parallel,
+ parallel_slot => $slot,
+ retarget_interval => $retarget_interval,
+ next_check_interval => $next_check_interval,
+ soft_retarget_interval => $soft_retarget_interval
- my $storage = OpenSRF::AppSession->create("open-ils.storage");
- my $r = $storage->request('open-ils.storage.action.hold_request.targetable_holds.id_list', '24h');
- while ( my $h = $r->recv ) {
- if ($r->failed) {
- print $r->failed->stringify . "\n";
- last;
- }
- if (my $hold = $h->content) {
- $multi_targeter->request( 'open-ils.storage.action.hold_request.copy_targeter', '', $hold->[0], $hold->[1]);
+ $req->{_parallel_slot} = $slot; # for grouping/logging below
+ push(@reqs, $req);
+ }
+ while (@reqs) {
+ my $start = time;
+ $ses->queue_wait($recv_timeout); # wait for a response
+ # As a fail-safe, exit if no responses have arrived
+ # within the timeout interval.
+ last if (time - $start) >= $recv_timeout;
+ for my $req (@reqs) {
+ # Pull all responses off the receive queues.
+ while (my $resp = $req->recv(0)) {
+ die $req->failed . "\n" if $req->failed;
+ $verbose && print sprintf(
+ "Targeter [%d] processed %d holds\n",
+ $req->{_parallel_slot},
+ $resp->content
+ );
- $storage->disconnect();
- $multi_targeter->session_wait(1);
- $multi_targeter->disconnect;
- } otherwise {
- my $e = shift;
- warn "Failure in multi-session targeter:\n$e\n";
+ @reqs = grep {!$_->complete} @reqs;
+# ----
+die "I seem to be running already. If not remove $lockfile, try again\n"
+ if -e $lockfile;
+open(LOCK, ">$lockfile") or die "Cannot open lock file: $lockfile : $@\n";
+print LOCK $$ or die "Cannot write to lock file: $lockfile : $@\n";
+close LOCK;
+eval { # Make sure we can delete the lock file.
+ init();
+ my $start = time;
+ run_batches();
+ my $minutes = sprintf('%0.2f', (time - $start) / 60.0);
+ $verbose && print "Processing took $minutes minutes.\n";
+warn "Hold processing exited with error: $@\n" if $@;
unlink $lockfile;
--- /dev/null
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Usage:
+# hold_targeter.pl <config_file> <lock_file>
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use OpenSRF::Utils::JSON;
+use OpenSRF::System;
+use OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient;
+use OpenSRF::MultiSession;
+use OpenSRF::EX qw(:try);
+my $config = shift || die "bootstrap config required\n";
+my $lockfile = shift || "/tmp/hold_targeter-LOCK";
+if (-e $lockfile) {
+ die "I seem to be running already. If not remove $lockfile, try again\n";
+open(F, ">$lockfile");
+print F $$;
+close F;
+my $settings;
+my $parallel;
+try {
+ OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client( config_file => $config );
+ $settings = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new;
+ $parallel = $settings->config_value( hold_targeter => 'parallel' ) || 1;
+} otherwise {
+ my $e = shift;
+ warn "$e\n";
+ unlink $lockfile;
+ exit 1;
+if ($parallel == 1) {
+ try {
+ my $r = OpenSRF::AppSession
+ ->create( 'open-ils.storage' )
+ ->request( 'open-ils.storage.action.hold_request.copy_targeter' => '24h' );
+ while (!$r->complete) {
+ my $start = time;
+ $r->recv(timeout => 3600);
+ last if (time() - $start) >= 3600;
+ };
+ } otherwise {
+ my $e = shift;
+ warn "Failure in single-session targeter:\n$e\n";
+ };
+} else {
+ try {
+ my $multi_targeter = OpenSRF::MultiSession->new(
+ app => 'open-ils.storage',
+ cap => $parallel,
+ api_level => 1,
+ session_hash_function => sub {
+ my $ses = shift;
+ my $req = shift;
+ return $_[-1]; # last parameter is the ID of the metarecord associated with the
+ # request's target; using this as the hash function value ensures
+ # that parallel targeters won't try to simultaneously handle two
+ # hold requests that have overlapping pools of copies that could
+ # fill those requests
+ }
+ );
+ my $storage = OpenSRF::AppSession->create("open-ils.storage");
+ my $r = $storage->request('open-ils.storage.action.hold_request.targetable_holds.id_list', '24h');
+ while ( my $h = $r->recv ) {
+ if ($r->failed) {
+ print $r->failed->stringify . "\n";
+ last;
+ }
+ if (my $hold = $h->content) {
+ $multi_targeter->request( 'open-ils.storage.action.hold_request.copy_targeter', '', $hold->[0], $hold->[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ $storage->disconnect();
+ $multi_targeter->session_wait(1);
+ $multi_targeter->disconnect;
+ } otherwise {
+ my $e = shift;
+ warn "Failure in multi-session targeter:\n$e\n";
+ }
+unlink $lockfile;
+++ /dev/null
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use OpenSRF::System;
-use OpenSRF::AppSession;
-use OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient;
-use OpenILS::Utils::Fieldmapper;
-# Batch hold (re)targeter
-# Usage:
-# ./hold_targeter.pl /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml
-my $help;
-my $osrf_config = '/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml';
-my $lockfile = '/tmp/hold_targeter-LOCK';
-my $parallel = 0;
-my $verbose = 0;
-my $retarget_interval;
-my $soft_retarget_interval;
-my $next_check_interval;
-my $recv_timeout = 3600;
-my $parallel_init_sleep = 0;
-# how often the server sends a summary reply per backend.
-my $return_throttle = 500;
- 'help' => \$help,
- 'osrf-config=s' => \$osrf_config,
- 'lockfile=s' => \$lockfile,
- 'parallel=i' => \$parallel,
- 'verbose' => \$verbose,
- 'parallel-init-sleep=i' => \$parallel_init_sleep,
- 'retarget-interval=s' => \$retarget_interval,
- 'next-check-interval=s' => \$next_check_interval,
- 'soft-retarget-interval=s' => \$soft_retarget_interval,
-) || die "\nSee --help for more\n";
-sub help {
- print <<HELP;
-Batch hold targeter.
-$0 \
- --osrf-config /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml \
- --lockfile /tmp/hold_targeter-LOCK \
- --parallel 3
- --verbose
-General Options
- --osrf-config [/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml]
- OpenSRF config file.
- --lockfile [/tmp/hold_targeter-LOCK]
- Full path to lock file
- --verbose
- Print process counts
-Targeting Options
- --parallel <parallel-process-count>
- Number of parallel hold processors to run. This overrides any
- value found in opensrf.xml
- --parallel-init-sleep <seconds=0>
- Number of seconds to wait before starting each subsequent
- parallel targeter instance. This gives each targeter backend
- time to run the large targetable holds query before the next
- kicks off, so they don't all hit the database at once.
- Defaults to no sleep.
- --soft-retarget-interval
- Holds whose previous check time sits between the
- --soft-retarget-interval and the --retarget-interval are
- treated like this:
- 1. The list of potential copies is updated for all matching holds.
- 2. Holds that have a viable target are otherwise left untouched,
- including their prev_check_time.
- 3. Holds with no viable target are fully retargeted.
- --next-check-interval
- Specify how long after the current run time the targeter will
- retarget the currently affected holds. Applying a specific
- interval is useful when the retarget_interval is shorter than
- the time between targeter runs.
- This value is used to determine if an org unit will be closed
- during the next iteration of the targeter. It overrides the
- default behavior of calculating the next retarget time from the
- retarget-interval.
- --retarget-interval
- Retarget holds whose previous check time occured before the
- requested interval.
- Overrides the 'circ.holds.retarget_interval' global_flag value.
- exit(0);
-help() if $help;
-sub init {
- OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client(config_file => $osrf_config);
- Fieldmapper->import(
- IDL => OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new->config_value("IDL"));
- if (!$parallel) {
- my $settings = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new;
- $parallel = $settings->config_value(hold_targeter => 'parallel') || 1;
- }
-sub run_batches {
- # Hanging all of the parallel requests off the same app session
- # lets us operate the same as a MultiSession batch with additional
- # fine-grained controls over the receive timeout and real-time
- # response handling.
- my $ses = OpenSRF::AppSession->create('open-ils.hold-targeter');
- my @reqs;
- for my $slot (1..$parallel) {
- if ($slot > 1 && $parallel_init_sleep) {
- $verbose && print "Sleeping $parallel_init_sleep ".
- "seconds before targeter slot=$slot launch\n";
- sleep $parallel_init_sleep;
- }
- $verbose && print "Starting targeter slot=$slot\n";
- my $req = $ses->request(
- 'open-ils.hold-targeter.target', {
- return_count => 1,
- return_throttle => $return_throttle,
- parallel_count => $parallel,
- parallel_slot => $slot,
- retarget_interval => $retarget_interval,
- next_check_interval => $next_check_interval,
- soft_retarget_interval => $soft_retarget_interval
- }
- );
- $req->{_parallel_slot} = $slot; # for grouping/logging below
- push(@reqs, $req);
- }
- while (@reqs) {
- my $start = time;
- $ses->queue_wait($recv_timeout); # wait for a response
- # As a fail-safe, exit if no responses have arrived
- # within the timeout interval.
- last if (time - $start) >= $recv_timeout;
- for my $req (@reqs) {
- # Pull all responses off the receive queues.
- while (my $resp = $req->recv(0)) {
- die $req->failed . "\n" if $req->failed;
- $verbose && print sprintf(
- "Targeter [%d] processed %d holds\n",
- $req->{_parallel_slot},
- $resp->content
- );
- }
- }
- @reqs = grep {!$_->complete} @reqs;
- }
-# ----
-die "I seem to be running already. If not remove $lockfile, try again\n"
- if -e $lockfile;
-open(LOCK, ">$lockfile") or die "Cannot open lock file: $lockfile : $@\n";
-print LOCK $$ or die "Cannot write to lock file: $lockfile : $@\n";
-close LOCK;
-eval { # Make sure we can delete the lock file.
- init();
- my $start = time;
- run_batches();
- my $minutes = sprintf('%0.2f', (time - $start) / 60.0);
- $verbose && print "Processing took $minutes minutes.\n";
-warn "Hold processing exited with error: $@\n" if $@;
-unlink $lockfile;