+ "open-ils.auth.login",
+ "oilsAuthLogin",
+ "Request an authentication token logging in with username or "
+ "barcode. Parameter is a keyword arguments hash with keys "
+ "username, barcode, identifier, password, type, org, workstation, "
+ "agent. The 'identifier' option is used when the caller wants the "
+ "API to determine if an identifier string is a username or barcode "
+ "using the barcode format configuration.",
+ 1, 0);
+ osrfAppRegisterMethod(
"Verifies the user provided a valid username and password."
// returns true if the provided identifier matches the barcode regex.
-static int oilsAuthIdentIsBarcode(const char* identifier) {
+static int oilsAuthIdentIsBarcode(const char* identifier, int org_id) {
- // Assumes barcode regex is a global setting.
- // TODO: add an org_unit param to the .init API for future use?
- char* bc_regex = oilsUtilsFetchOrgSetting(
- oilsUtilsGetRootOrgId(), "opac.barcode_regex");
+ if (org_id < 1)
+ org_id = oilsUtilsGetRootOrgId();
+ char* bc_regex = oilsUtilsFetchOrgSetting(org_id, "opac.barcode_regex");
if (!bc_regex) {
// if no regex is set, assume any identifier starting
if (!nonce) nonce = "";
if (!identifier) return -1; // we need an identifier
- if (oilsAuthIdentIsBarcode(identifier)) {
+ if (oilsAuthIdentIsBarcode(identifier, 0)) {
resp = oilsAuthInitBarcodeHandler(ctx, identifier, nonce);
} else {
resp = oilsAuthInitUsernameHandler(ctx, identifier, nonce);
return verified;
+ * Returns true if the provided password is correct.
+ * Turn the password into the nested md5 hash required of migrated
+ * passwords, then check the password in the DB.
+ */
+static int oilsAuthLoginCheckPassword(int user_id, const char* password) {
+ growing_buffer* gb = buffer_init(33); // free me 1
+ char* salt = oilsAuthGetSalt(user_id); // free me 2
+ char* passhash = md5sum(password); // free me 3
+ buffer_add(gb, salt); // gb strdup's internally
+ buffer_add(gb, passhash);
+ free(salt); // free 2
+ free(passhash); // free 3
+ // salt + md5(password)
+ passhash = buffer_release(gb); // free 1 ; free me 4
+ char* finalpass = md5sum(passhash); // free me 5
+ free(passhash); // free 4
+ jsonObject *arr = jsonNewObjectType(JSON_ARRAY);
+ jsonObjectPush(arr, jsonNewObject("actor.verify_passwd"));
+ jsonObjectPush(arr, jsonNewNumberObject((long) user_id));
+ jsonObjectPush(arr, jsonNewObject("main"));
+ jsonObjectPush(arr, jsonNewObject(finalpass));
+ jsonObject *params = jsonNewObjectType(JSON_HASH); // free me 6
+ jsonObjectSetKey(params, "from", arr);
+ free(finalpass); // free 5
+ jsonObject* verify_obj = // free
+ oilsUtilsCStoreReq("open-ils.cstore.json_query", params);
+ jsonObjectFree(params); // free 6
+ if (!verify_obj) return 0; // error
+ int verified = oilsUtilsIsDBTrue(
+ jsonObjectGetString(
+ jsonObjectGetKeyConst(verify_obj, "actor.verify_passwd")
+ )
+ );
+ jsonObjectFree(verify_obj);
+ return verified;
+static int oilsAuthLoginVerifyPassword(const osrfMethodContext* ctx,
+ int user_id, const char* username, const char* password) {
+ // build the cache key
+ growing_buffer* gb = buffer_init(64); // free me
+ buffer_add(gb, OILS_AUTH_CACHE_PRFX);
+ buffer_add(gb, username);
+ buffer_add(gb, OILS_AUTH_COUNT_SFFX);
+ char* countkey = buffer_release(gb); // free me
+ jsonObject* countobject = osrfCacheGetObject(countkey); // free me
+ long failcount = 0;
+ if (countobject) {
+ failcount = (long) jsonObjectGetNumber(countobject);
+ if (failcount >= _oilsAuthBlockCount) {
+ // User is blocked. Don't waste any more CPU cycles on them.
+ osrfLogInfo(OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+ "oilsAuth found too many recent failures for '%s' : %i, "
+ "forcing failure state.", username, failcount);
+ jsonObjectFree(countobject);
+ free(countkey);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ int verified = oilsAuthLoginCheckPassword(user_id, password);
+ if (!verified) { // login failed. increment failure counter.
+ failcount++;
+ if (countobject) {
+ // append to existing counter
+ jsonObjectSetNumber(countobject, failcount);
+ } else {
+ // first failure, create a new counter
+ countobject = jsonNewNumberObject((double) failcount);
+ }
+ osrfCachePutObject(countkey, countobject, _oilsAuthBlockTimeout);
+ }
+ jsonObjectFree(countobject); // NULL OK
+ free(countkey);
+ return verified;
Adds the authentication token to the user cache. The timeout for the
auth token is based on the type of login as well as (if type=='opac')
oilsEvent* response = NULL; // free
jsonObject* userObj = NULL; // free
- int card_active = 1; // boolean; assume active until proven otherwise
char* cache_key = va_list_to_string(
"%s%s%s", OILS_AUTH_CACHE_PRFX, identifier, nonce);
+ return 0;
+int oilsAuthLogin(osrfMethodContext* ctx) {
+ const jsonObject* args = jsonObjectGetIndex(ctx->params, 0);
+ const char* username = jsonObjectGetString(jsonObjectGetKeyConst(args, "username"));
+ const char* identifier = jsonObjectGetString(jsonObjectGetKeyConst(args, "identifier"));
+ const char* password = jsonObjectGetString(jsonObjectGetKeyConst(args, "password"));
+ const char* type = jsonObjectGetString(jsonObjectGetKeyConst(args, "type"));
+ int orgloc = (int) jsonObjectGetNumber(jsonObjectGetKeyConst(args, "org"));
+ const char* workstation = jsonObjectGetString(jsonObjectGetKeyConst(args, "workstation"));
+ const char* barcode = jsonObjectGetString(jsonObjectGetKeyConst(args, "barcode"));
+ const char* ewho = jsonObjectGetString(jsonObjectGetKeyConst(args, "agent"));
+ const char* ws = (workstation) ? workstation : "";
+ if (!type) type = OILS_AUTH_STAFF;
+ jsonObject* userObj = NULL; // free me
+ oilsEvent* response = NULL; // free me
+ /* Use __FILE__, harmless_line_number for creating
+ * OILS_EVENT_AUTH_FAILED events (instead of OSRF_LOG_MARK) to avoid
+ * giving away information about why an authentication attempt failed.
+ */
+ int harmless_line_number = __LINE__;
+ // translate a generic identifier into a username or barcode if necessary.
+ if (identifier && !username && !barcode) {
+ if (oilsAuthIdentIsBarcode(identifier, orgloc)) {
+ barcode = identifier;
+ } else {
+ username = identifier;
+ }
+ }
+ if (username) {
+ barcode = NULL; // avoid superfluous identifiers
+ userObj = oilsUtilsFetchUserByUsername(ctx, username);
+ } else if (barcode) {
+ userObj = oilsUtilsFetchUserByBarcode(ctx, barcode);
+ } else {
+ // not enough params
+ return osrfAppRequestRespondException(ctx->session, ctx->request,
+ "username/barcode and password required for method: %s",
+ ctx->method->name);
+ }
+ if (!userObj) { // user not found.
+ response = oilsNewEvent(
+ __FILE__, harmless_line_number, OILS_EVENT_AUTH_FAILED);
+ osrfAppRespondComplete(ctx, oilsEventToJSON(response));
+ oilsEventFree(response); // frees event JSON
+ return 0;
+ }
+ long user_id = oilsFMGetObjectId(userObj);
+ // username is freed when userObj is freed.
+ // From here we can use the username as the generic identifier
+ // since it's guaranteed to have a value.
+ if (!username) username = oilsFMGetStringConst(userObj, "usrname");
+ // See if the user is allowed to login.
+ jsonObject* params = jsonNewObject(NULL);
+ jsonObjectSetKey(params, "user_id", jsonNewNumberObject(user_id));
+ jsonObjectSetKey(params,"org_unit", jsonNewNumberObject(orgloc));
+ jsonObjectSetKey(params, "login_type", jsonNewObject(type));
+ if (barcode) jsonObjectSetKey(params, "barcode", jsonNewObject(barcode));
+ jsonObject* authEvt = oilsUtilsQuickReqCtx( // freed after password test
+ ctx,
+ "open-ils.auth_internal",
+ "open-ils.auth_internal.user.validate", params);
+ jsonObjectFree(params);
+ if (!authEvt) { // unknown error
+ jsonObjectFree(userObj);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ const char* authEvtCode =
+ jsonObjectGetString(jsonObjectGetKey(authEvt, "textcode"));
+ if (!strcmp(authEvtCode, OILS_EVENT_AUTH_FAILED)) {
+ // Received the generic login failure event.
+ osrfLogInfo(OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+ "failed login: username=%s, barcode=%s, workstation=%s",
+ username, (barcode ? barcode : "(none)"), ws);
+ response = oilsNewEvent(
+ __FILE__, harmless_line_number, OILS_EVENT_AUTH_FAILED);
+ }
+ if (!response && // user exists and is not barred, etc.
+ !oilsAuthLoginVerifyPassword(ctx, user_id, username, password)) {
+ // User provided the wrong password or is blocked from too
+ // many previous login failures.
+ response = oilsNewEvent(
+ __FILE__, harmless_line_number, OILS_EVENT_AUTH_FAILED);
+ osrfLogInfo(OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+ "failed login: username=%s, barcode=%s, workstation=%s",
+ username, (barcode ? barcode : "(none)"), ws );
+ }
+ // Below here, we know the password check succeeded if no response
+ // object is present.
+ if (!response && (
+ !strcmp(authEvtCode, "PATRON_INACTIVE") ||
+ !strcmp(authEvtCode, "PATRON_CARD_INACTIVE"))) {
+ // Patron and/or card is inactive but the correct password
+ // was provided. Alert the caller to the inactive-ness.
+ response = oilsNewEvent2(
+ OSRF_LOG_MARK, authEvtCode,
+ jsonObjectGetKey(authEvt, "payload") // cloned within Event
+ );
+ }
+ if (!response && strcmp(authEvtCode, OILS_EVENT_SUCCESS)) {
+ // Validate API returned an unexpected non-success event.
+ // To be safe, treat this as a generic login failure.
+ response = oilsNewEvent(
+ __FILE__, harmless_line_number, OILS_EVENT_AUTH_FAILED);
+ }
+ if (!response) {
+ // password OK and no other events have prevented login completion.
+ char* ewhat = "login";
+ if (0 == strcmp(ctx->method->name, "open-ils.auth.authenticate.verify")) {
+ response = oilsNewEvent( OSRF_LOG_MARK, OILS_EVENT_SUCCESS );
+ ewhat = "verify";
+ } else {
+ response = oilsAuthHandleLoginOK(
+ ctx, userObj, username, type, orgloc, workstation);
+ }
+ oilsUtilsTrackUserActivity(
+ ctx,
+ oilsFMGetObjectId(userObj),
+ ewho, ewhat,
+ osrfAppSessionGetIngress()
+ );
+ }
+ // reply
+ osrfAppRespondComplete(ctx, oilsEventToJSON(response));
+ // clean up
+ oilsEventFree(response);
+ jsonObjectFree(userObj);
+ jsonObjectFree(authEvt);
return 0;